How to Search in All Sheets in Google Sheets (An Easy Guide)

Most of the time while working with Google Sheets, you may have data stored in different sheets of your workbook. The data may be scattered and you may want to search for specific values or data from various sheets. If you want to locate the data manually, it can become very tiring and time-consuming. In such instances, Google Sheets provides an easy solution to this problem. In this article, we will show you how to search in all sheets in Google Sheets.

A Sample of Practice Spreadsheet

Step by Step Process to Search in All Sheets in Google Sheets

While the Find dialogue box is easy and convenient to use, it cannot search for data from multiple sheets in a workbook. In such cases, the Find and replace tool of Google Sheets comes in handy. We can search within multiple sheets using the Find and replace tool.

Step 1: Insert Find and Replace Window

  • First, press CTRL+H or go to Menu bar > Edit > Find and replace.

select find and replace to Search in All Sheets in Google Sheets

  • You will see that a window appears that looks like this:

find and replace tool

Read More: How to Use Find and Replace in Column in Google Sheets

Step 2: Search for Keyword

  • Now, type in the text or value you want to search for in the Find. In our example, we type in Stuart.
  • Leave the Replace with box empty.

input text to find with find and replace for search results after searching with find tool

Read More: How to Search and Replace in Google Sheets (2 Easy Ways)

Step 3: Setting the Search Conditions

  • Then, in the Search box drop-down menu, select All sheets to search in all the sheets of your workbook.

select all sheets

You can use the Search box drop-down menu to look for data in the present sheet or within a specific range too.

Read More: How to Search in Google Spreadsheet (5 Easy Ways)

Step 4: Use the Find Button to See Results

  • Press Find and it will highlight the first cell that matches the findings with a blue border. You can continuously press Find to look through all the other findings.

search results after pressing find for how to Search in All Sheets in Google Sheets

  • After the last match appears, then it will show a message: No more results found, looping around.

end of result message

  • If you press Find one more time after this message appears, then it will show the first match again.

Step 5: Ending the Search

  • Finally, press Done if you are satisfied with what you were looking for to close the Find and replace tool.

press done after search for How to Search in All Sheets in Google Sheets

Note: You can replace the words that you find in the Replace with box. Just type in what you want to replace the findings with and it will replace the result. It can even replace all the findings or any specific finding.

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Other Features of the Find and Replace Tool

The Find and replace tool offers some great options with which you can modify your search result according to your need.

  • Match case: Use Match case when you want the findings to be case-sensitive. For example, if our table had a name with stuart (with a lowercase ‘s’) then the search will ignore it.

match case option

  • Match entire cell content: Select Match entire cell content to search for cells that match your word exactly. For example, if we typed only stuart and selected this option, then Find and replace will not find any cell because no cell contains stuart.

match entire cell content option

  • Search using regular expressions: If your table has a regular expression in the Find box, then select Search Using Regular Expressions A regular expression is a string having a particular pattern. If a cell data matches the pattern, then it considers it as a match and shows it.
  • Also search within formulas: Generally, Find and replace searches for matches in cells and the final result of any formula. If you want to search within the formula itself, then select Also Search Within Formulas.
  • Also search within links: Generally, Find and replace does not search in any links. If you select Also Search Within Formulas then, it will also search within a link.

Read More: Find and Replace in Google Sheets (3 Ways)

Extra: 2 Ways to Search in a Worksheet in Google Sheets

1. Using the Find Dialogue Box

The Find dialogue box is a pretty straightforward and easy way to search for content within a specific sheet although it cannot search for data from multiple sheets in a workbook. It can search within the present sheet.

  • First, press CTRL+F to summon the Find dialogue box. You will see it appear at the top right-hand corner of your sheet.

find box for How to Search in All Sheets in Google Sheets

  • Type the word you want to find in the find box. We type Stuart for our example.

input the text to search for

Note: The results are not case-sensitive and will show you all the matches.
  • If it can find the text or value within your sheet, then it will highlight the cell with a light green color.

search results after searching with find tool for how to Search in All Sheets in Google Sheets

  • If there are multiple matches, it will highlight all your results. You can navigate through them using the Up Arrow or the Down Arrow in the Find dialogue box.

use up and down arrows to navigate through the results

  • Finally, close the box by pressing X in the Find dialogue box.

close find box

Read More: How to Create a Search Box in Google Sheets (4 Easy Methods)

2. Applying Conditional Formatting

Conditional formatting can be used to look for and highlight any specific cells within a range in a single sheet.

  • First, select the range where you want to look for values and open the conditional formatting side panel from Format > Conditional formatting.

select conditional formatting to Search in All Sheets in Google Sheets

  • Then, from the Format cells if drop-down menu, select Text contains.

select text contains option

  • Then in the Value or formula box type in the value or text that you are looking for. For our example, we type Stuart.

input text to find with conditional foramtting

  • You can select the formatting style you like. We kept the default one for our example.
  • Finally, press Done and the cells that match your word are highlighted.

press done

  • The search results are now highlighted:

search results after highlighting with conditional formatting to Search in All Sheets in Google Sheets

Read More: Google Sheets: Conditional Formatting Row Based on Cell


In this article, we showed you how to search in all sheets in Google Sheets in 3 different ways. Keep practicing the methods that we have shown here for a better understanding of the concept. We hope this article was useful to you to help you.

Also, check out other articles on OfficeWheel to keep on improving your Google Sheets work knowledge.

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Maruf Niaz

Maruf Niaz

My Name is Niaz. As a regular Google Sheets user, I have a good understanding of the users' needs and bad experiences. In my articles, I will share my knowledge which I hope, will be helpful to you. My latest educational degree was BSc in Textile Engineering from Bangladesh University of Textiles.

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