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How to Use REPLACE Function in Google Sheets (4 Examples)

Google sheets is a handy tool while editing and replacing data from a large dataset. Using the REPLACE function users can easily and quickly replace ...

How to Insert Superscript in Google Sheets (2 Simple Ways)

It is frequently essential to write mathematical, chemical, or other symbols using superscripts or subscripts. However, superscripts can’t be ...

How to Split Text to Columns Based on Line Break in Google Sheets

With Google Sheets' Split text to columns based on line break feature, you can break up text into numerous cells based on where lines break. When a ...

How to Insert Button in Google Sheets (5 Quick Steps)

Often we need to use specific scripts or macros continually in Google Sheets or Excel. Inserting a button and assigning those scripts or macros to ...

How to Add Parentheses in Google Sheets (5 Ideal Scenarios)

Google Sheets is a powerful tool for organizing and analyzing data. One of the most important features of Google Sheets is the use of formulas to ...

How to Insert Error Bars in Google Sheets (3 Practical Examples)

Suppose you are working on the projection of next year's valuation of your company. You need to calculate this year’s data for this projection. But ...

How to Get Rid of Green Highlight in Google Sheets (5 Solutions)

In Google sheets, we use green highlights to mark important data according to conditions. But sometimes unwanted green highlight appears in Google ...

Google Sheets Vlookup Dynamic Range

VLOOKUP is a powerful function in Google Sheets for finding data in large tables. It is widely used by businesses and individuals to simplify data ...

How to Highlight IF Statement with Color in Google Sheets

Conditional Formatting is a dynamic feature for performing several operations swiftly in Google Sheets. We can apply several conditions to our ...

How to Insert Formula in Google Sheets for Entire Column

Suppose you are working on a dataset where you need to apply formulas but this work will be difficult if you work on a complicated dataset or a large ...

How to Print Gridlines in Google Sheets (with Easy Steps)

Printing pages for work purposes is very common in offices nowadays. But when you print something without gridlines. Then the black cells are not ...

How to Use AVERAGE Function in Google Sheets (4 Examples)

The AVERAGE function is one of the basic and useful functions in Google Sheets. It helps the users to get an arithmetic mean of a set of numerical ...

How to Fill Column with Dates in Google Sheets (2 Easy Ways)

Google sheets one of the most useful features is to fill a column or row with a series of dates automatically. This can save time and prevent errors. ...

How to Print Google Sheets on One Page (2 Distinct Scenarios)

In Google Sheets, you may need help after inserting and editing a vast range of data when it comes to printing out the dataset. The main difficulty ...

How to Make Candlestick Chart in Google Sheets (5 Quick Steps)

Graphs and charts are excellent visualization tools that provide you with a high-level overview of your data and enable you to draw conclusions. One ...
