How to Highlight Duplicates for Multiple Columns in Google Sheets

Finding duplicate values is a simple and time-saving task in the present era of technology thanks to Google Sheets. Not only can we identify duplicates, but we can also highlight the data to make it more noticeable and usable. This post will demonstrate how to swiftly, accurately, and effortlessly highlight duplicates in multiple columns of Google Sheets.

A Sample of Practice Spreadsheet

3 Scenarios Where We Highlight Duplicates in Google Sheets for Multiple Columns

The data structure largely determines the scenarios. There can be 4 different approaches depending on how many columns or rows or what we’re looking for. A dataset of suitable examples is provided for each scenario about how to duplicate highlights in google sheet is detailed below.

1. Use COUNTIF Function and Conditional Formatting

First, there are a few techniques that focus on the impact on the rows of multiple columns.

1.1 In Multiple Columns

Imagine a database that contains a person’s incoming and outgoing calls. This process will identify names that appeared more than once in the table. These are the steps to find the duplicates.

how to highlight duplicates in google sheets multiple columns dataset


  • Format > Conditional Formatting

conditional formatting window for highlighting duplicates in the google sheets

  • Conditional Format Rules column > Apply to Range

applying range to highlight duplicate value in multiple column

  • Set the data range as B6:D11. Don’t forget to press F4 in order to lock the range

data range window pop up for selecting multiple columns

  • Select Format Rules > Custom formula is

setting of custom formula to highlight duplicates in google sheets

  • Now, we’ll enter the following formula in the empty space.

The COUNTIF functions in this case count the occurrences of the value B6 in the cells between B6 and D11. The formula can be improved by using “>1” so that it will only display the value if the count is more than 1.

conditional format rules with countif and formatting style

  • For the cells to stand out, change the Fill color. We used light yellow in this case.
  • Finally, click “Done”.

highlighted duplicates in multiple column output

This scenario highlighted every cell with a duplicate value. David, Ash, and Dad only made one appearance in the dataset, which is why they weren’t given more attention.

Assume you’re curious about who you speak with the most. You establish a condition in order to discover that. For instance, the name should appear in the table more than four times. The updated formula will therefore be:


advance conditional format rules with countif and formatting style

This time you will BOLD the cells for better visibility. Remember to change the Fill color, afterward click “Done“.

advance use of highlighted duplicates in multiple column output

The table reveals that Jenny is the person you speak to the most frequently. She had five entries in the table with her name on them. It is one of the simple methods to Highlight Duplicates in Google Sheet in multiple columns.

Read More: Google Sheets: Conditional Formatting with Multiple Conditions

1.2 In Multiple Rows of Multiple Columns

Suppose, there is a list of calls you get from your FRIEND, FAMILY, and WORK. Duplicates were made because you were trying to track down the callers who called you repeatedly. However, compared to the previous encounter, now you want to highlight the whole row rather than the individual cells for more information.

conditional format dataset for multiple column and multiple row in google sheets


  • Up until the formula choice, the initial steps are the same as before.
  • In the black space, we are going to use the following formula:
  • BOLD the cells.
  • Change the Fill color, for this example, the color is light yellow.
  • Click “Done” to see the results.

duplicate values bold and highlighted for multiple row in google sheets

You can see that Dad and Jenny called you more than once at this table. Thus, it was possible to see the duplicate values in Google Sheets.

Read More: How to Sum Multiple Rows in Google Sheets (3 Ways)

Similar Readings

2. Highlight Duplicates after First Occurrence

In this scenario, You only desire to keep the first calls enlisted and learn about the later occurrences.

highlight duplicates after first occurrence dataset for google sheets

Same steps as before.

  • Format > Conditional Formatting
  • Conditional Format Rules column > Apply to Range
  • Set the data range as B6:D11. Press F4 in order to lock the range
  • Select Format Rules > Custom formula is

However, there is a slight change in the formula. This time we will use COUNTIF with ARRAYFORMULA to search in all the individual columns. ARRAYFORMULA force COUNTIF to look into each column to find a specific match.


  • Alternate the Fill color. In this instance, we chose light yellow.
  • Then click “Done.”

highlighted result of duplicates after first occurrence in google sheets

The formula notified you about all the entries as per your request, as you can see in the image, and did not highlight the first entry. Thus, you can highlight duplicates in Google Sheets in multiple columns after preserving the first occurrence.

Read More: How to Use ARRAYFORMULA in Google Sheets (6 Examples)

3. Duplicate Highlighting with Added Criteria

Take the example of your friend Jenny, who called you on both of her two numbers. Instead of only names, you should now focus on Number. With this in mind, you can add another requirement so that the formula can emphasize calls from the same individual using the same number.

duplicate highlighted dataset with added criteria


  • Format > Conditional Formatting
  • Conditional Format Rules column > Apply to Range
  • Set the data range as B6:D11. To lock the range, press F4
  • Select Format Rules > Custom formula is
  • In order for COUNTIF to employ both criteria, the syntax needs to include the “*” (and) operator.


  • Change the Fill color. We used light yellow in this case.
  • Finally, click “Done”.

output of dataset for highlighted duplicates with added criteria for google sheet

You see, Dad was the only one who met the requirements; thus, he was highlighted. Even though Jenny called twice as a duplicate value, her mismatched Number was excluded. You can include more criteria in order to filter more duplicates and highlight them in google Sheets multiple columns.

Read More: How to Use Formula to Highlight Duplicates in Google Sheets


The functions offered by conditional formatting are numerous. Working with data in Google Sheets will eventually lead to the problem of duplicate data. Therefore, it is incredibly efficient and time-saving to use conditional formatting in conjunction with another function to find and highlight duplicates across multiple columns and rows. Visit our website, OfficeWheel, for more information.

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Ishrak Khan

Ishrak Khan

Ishrak Khan is a writer and urban planner born in Dhaka, Bangladesh, one of the largest mega-cities. He is a professional Content Developer closely working with OfficeWheel. He simply likes to enthrall his readers. He loves Football, Nico Robin, Deserts, and Twix. If you like the post, give him a heart on Instagram.

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