How to Use SUM Function in Google Sheets (6 Practical Examples)

Adding some cells from a row, column or array is one of the most common things one can do in Google Sheets. The SUM function in Google Sheets can be utilized in such cases. The SUM function can add numbers, numbers stored as texts, or unique numbers stored for text values. Here, in this article, I will demonstrate a few examples of how to use the SUM function in Google Sheets.

A Sample of Practice Spreadsheet

What Is SUM Function in Google Sheets?

The SUM function is used to return the sum of a series of numbers and/or cells.


The SUM function’s syntax is as follows:

=SUM (value1, [value2, ...])

What Is SUM Function in Google Sheets?


Argument Requirement Function
value1 Required The first number or range to add together
[value2] Optional Additional numbers or ranges to be added to value1


The formula SUM (3,5,8) will have an output of 16.

6 Examples to Use SUM Function in Google Sheets

First, let’s know about our dataset. We have considered the performance of students from four different schools. Here, we can apply the SUM function to determine the total number of students from various categories. Now, let’s go through the examples.

How to Use SUM Function in Google Sheets

1. Add Values Directly

Here, we will calculate the total number of students who have outstanding performance.


  • For that, go to Cell C10 (where you want to calculate the total) and type the following formula, and press Enter key-
=SUM (16,11,21,7)

Use SUM Function to Add Values Directly in Google Sheets

Read More: How to Add Up A Column in Google Sheets

2. Sum Up Cells of a Row

Entering every value like in the previous method isn’t very efficient in large datasets. Also, changing any value from the dataset will not change the value of the output. We can insert the values as a range instead to create a more flexible and dynamic dataset.

Here, I’ll be calculating the total number of students in the School of Science.


  • For that, go to Cell G6 and type in the following formula and then press Enter key-
=SUM (C6:F6)

Here, the array C6:F6 indicates the value of every cell from Cell C6 to Cell F6.

Use SUM Function to Sum Up Cells of a Row in Google Sheets

Read More: Google Sheets: Sum If there are Multiple Conditions (3 Ways)

3. Add Cells of a Column

Here, we will use the SUM formula to calculate the total number of students in consideration.


  • Follow the previous method to calculate the total number of students in the School of Science. Then use the Fill Handle icon to copy the formula into other cells of the column.

Apply SUM Function to Add Cells of a Column in Google Sheets

  • This will calculate the total number of students in other schools.

  • Now, in Cell G10, type in the following formula and press Enter. This will calculate the total number of students in consideration-

Read More: Google Sheets: Sum an Entire Column (4 Easy Ways)

Similar Readings

4. Add Specific Cells

We can use the SUM function to exclude a few cells while adding the values from a range. For example, let’s calculate the number of students who have outstanding performance but are not from the School of Economics.


  • To calculate this, go to Cell G12 and type in the following formula and then press Enter Key-

Apply SUM Function to Add Specific Cells in Google Sheets

Read More: Find the Sum of Cells with Specific Text in Google Sheets

5. Sum Up Cells of an Array

We can include both rows and columns in our range for the SUM formula.


  • Instead of method 3, we can type the following formula in Cell G10 and press Enter key to calculate the total number of students in consideration-

Use SUM Function Sum Up Cells of an Array in Google Sheets

6. Sum Unique Numbers Stored for Text Values

We can use the SUM function combined with the VLOOKUP function and the ARRAYFORMULA function to add unique numbers stored for text values. For that, we have taken a new dataset where the result for 4 different games is shown for 5 different clubs. The points assigned for each type of result are also indicated in a different table. We need to calculate the total points for each club.

6. Sum Unique Numbers Stored for Text Values in Google Sheets


  • Select Cell G5 and type in the following formula and then press Enter key.

Formula Breakdown:

  • VLOOKUP(C5:F5,$I$5:$J$7,2,0)

The VLOOKUP function searches down the first column of the range I5:J7 for search key C5:F5 and return specified cells from 2nd column of the range.

  • SUM(VLOOKUP(C5:F5,$I$5:$J$7,2,0))

Next, the SUM function returns the sum of the numbers returned by the VLOOKUP function.


After that, the ARRAYFORMULA function helps the non-array function VLOOKUP to return an array to the SUM function.

  • Now, use the Fill Handle to copy the formula in other cells of the column.

  • Thus, we can sum unique numbers stored for text values.

6. Sum Unique Numbers Stored for Text Values in Google Sheets

Read More: How to Use ARRAYFORMULA with VLOOKUP in Google Sheets

How to Automatically Add Numbers in Google Sheets

One can add numbers automatically with every entry in the datasheet if he/she types the formula before entering the values.


  • Select Cell G5 and type in the following formula and press Enter key. Since there is no entry yet in the array C6:F6 the output is 0.

How to Automatically Add Numbers in Google Sheets using SUM function

  • Now, select Cell C6 and start entering data for the array. As soon as you enter the data in Cell C6 and press Enter or Tab key, the value in Cell G10 will change.

  • Each time you enter/change a value in that array, the value in Cell G6 will also change.

Read More: How to Automatically Add Numbers in Google Sheets

What to Do When SUM Function Is Not Working in Google Sheets

Sometimes some formulas in Google Sheets might not show the required result although every argument of the formula has been inserted correctly. There can be various reasons behind this problem. But here we discuss one of the most common instances where the SUM function doesn’t provide the required output and how we can solve this problem.


  • Here, in this datasheet, we have inserted the arguments correctly in the SUM function; but instead of the accurate output of 65, the SUM function has provided us with an output of 0.

What to Do When SUM Function Is Not Working in Google Sheets

  • But if you select the array of the argument and go to the More Formats option from the Clipboard, you will see that instead of Number or Automatic, the data format is Plain Text. This is the reason behind an output of 0.

  • Now, we can change the format to Automatic or Numbers. But instead of changing the dataset, we can combine the SUM function with the ARRAYFORMULA function and the VALUE function to calculate the sum. For that, select Cell G5 and type in the following formula, and then press Enter key.

What to Do When SUM Function Is Not Working in Google Sheets

Formula Breakdown:

  • VALUE(C6:F6)

The VALUE function converts the string entries into numbers.

  • SUM(VALUE(C6:F6))

Then the SUM function adds the numbers returned by the VALUE function.


Finally, the ARRAYFORMULA function helps the non-array function VALUE to return an array to the SUM function.

Read More: How to Sum Using ARRAYFORMULA in Google Sheets

Things to Be Considered

  • Use Comma (,) between arguments of the SUM function.
  • Use the ARRAYFORMULA function in cases where a non-array function has to return an array.


This concludes our article to learn about how to use the SUM function in Google Sheets. I hope the provided examples will be sufficient for your requirements. Feel free to leave any comments or advice in the comment box.

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Seemanto Saha

Seemanto Saha

Hello, I am Seemanto Saha, and working as a Technical Writer and Content Creator at I completed my B.Sc. in Industrial and Production Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology. Being an enthusiast for solving analytical problems, I aim to leverage my research and analytical skills to create better content for everyone.

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