Today we will look at how we can use cell value in a formula in Google Sheets. The general idea revolves around cell references, but we will go the ...
Today, we will go through an in-depth guide of how to use a dynamic cell reference in Google Sheets, for both within the same worksheet or reference ...
Today, we will look at how to use the Protect Range option in Google Sheets. We shall implement it for two scenarios: the first for a range of cells ...
Today we will be looking at the ways to protect a sheet from view in a Google Sheets spreadsheet. The idea and process are simple but very important ...
You can never get enough protection for your crucial spreadsheets. To that end, we believe, you can’t get any safer than the conditional locking of ...
SUMIF in Google Sheets is one of the core functions in the spreadsheet software. Its application is numerous, of which we will be seeing more of in ...
The ability to recognize and count non-empty cells in Google Sheets is very crucial if you are looking to avoid some silly errors. And today, we will ...
Google Sheets allows us to perform searches for data and values in many different ways. So today, in this article we look at how to search in Google ...
Today, we will look at the use of INDEX MATCH in Google Sheets. This amazing combination of functions is available in both Excel and Google Sheets. ...
Find and Replace is an indispensable tool provided by Google Sheets. If you are thinking of the simple Find option, then you couldn’t be further away ...
In professional work, we are often asked to tackle worksheets that have large amounts of data. In such cases, it is imperative that we freeze up our ...