
Reference Another Workbook in Google Sheets (Step-by-Step)

Contrary to popular belief, barring certain confusing aspects of spreadsheets, how to reference another workbook in Google Sheets is fairly simple. ...

Pull Data From Another Sheet Based on Criteria in Google Sheets (3 Ways)

No matter how much of an expert you are, many still sometimes find it difficult to extract data from one worksheet to another. Exponentially so when ...

Lock Cell Reference in Google Sheets (3 Ways)

One of the problems that many bookkeepers, financiers, or anyone who works with worksheets will have in common is the understanding and the ...

How to Insert Multiple Rows in Google Sheets (4 Ways)

Inserting rows may sound like a pretty straightforward task, but one wrong move or one wrong click on your precious worksheet may end up in disaster. ...

How to Lock Cells in Google Sheets (4 Ways)

Access and collaboration are two of the main driving forces behind Google Sheets and the other applications in the line. As easy as it can be to ...

How to Merge Rows in Google Sheets (3 Ways)

Merging cells in a spreadsheet is one of the more fundamental skills to have. But things might get complex when certain patterns of merges are ...
