How to Calculate Time Between Dates in Google Sheets (6 Ways)

Calculating the time between dates may be beneficial for company operations in a number of different circumstances. Project management is a good illustration of this. When assigning tasks to team members, you might need to determine how long it will take to complete them. The use of basic formulae in Google Sheets has made working with date and time simple. In Google Sheets, you can quickly determine how many days there are between two dates by either subtracting the dates (if you require all the days) or by utilizing formulae to determine if there are working or non-working days. In this article, I’ll demonstrate 6 simple ways to calculate the time between dates in Google Sheets. Here is an overview of what we will archive:

Overview of Calculating Time Between Dates in Google Sheets

6 Simple Ways to Calculate Time Between Dates in Google Sheets

We will use the dataset below to demonstrate 6 simple ways to calculate the time between dates in Google Sheets. The dataset contains the project names as well as the start and end dates for each project. Now, we will determine how much time has passed between the projects’ start and end dates.

How to Calculate Time Between Dates in Google Sheets

1. Applying Minus Operator

Dates are merely numbers with special formatting that makes them appear to date. Dates may be used in operations like addition and subtraction since they are integers. We can simply subtract two dates to get the time difference in Google Sheets.


  • Firstly, select the cell where you’re going to apply the formula. In our case, we selected Cell D5. Now, enter the formula below and press Enter

Applying Minus Operator to Calculate Time Between Dates in Google Sheets

  • Next, drag the Fill Handle icon downward to apply the formula to the remaining cells.

Dragging Fill Handle Icon

  • As a result, you will get the total number of days between the two dates.

Output after Applying Minus Operator

Note: The number of days specified in the example does not include the commencement date. If you want the start date to be included in the total number of dates, you must add 1 to the output data.

Read More: Calculate Number of Years Between Two Dates in Google Sheets

2. Merging MINUS and TODAY Functions

The MINUS function may be used to determine the time difference between two dates. It is identical to the first approach. The distinction is that we are utilizing a function rather than manually subtracting. Furthermore, it will exclude the commencement date from the calculation of the total number of days. In order to make the dataset more dynamic, we will utilize the MINUS function to determine the amount of time that has passed since a project’s Start Date. So here, we’ll use the TODAY function to get the time difference from the current date.


  • Select the cell to which you will be applying the formula first. In our instance, we decided on Cell D5. Enter the following formula now, then hit Enter

Merging MINUS and TODAY Functions to Calculate Time Between Dates in Google Sheets

Formula Breakdown

  • TODAY()

Here, the TODAY function provides a date value that represents the current date.


Then, the MINUS function determines the number of days passed from the Start Date to the current date.

  • Next, to apply the formula to the remaining cells, slide the Fill Handle symbol downward.

Dragging Fill Handle Symbol

  • As a result, you will get the total number of days that have passed since the project’s start date. Since we utilized the TODAY function, the total number of days will change daily.

Output after Merging MINUS and TODAY Functions

Read More: How to SUMIF Between Two Dates in Google Sheets (3 Ways)

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3. Employing DAYS Function

The total number of days between two dates may be determined in Google Sheets using the DAYS function. If you don’t care about eliminating weekends, holidays, etc., this is one of the simplest ways to compute the number of days between dates in Google Sheets.


  • First, choose the cell to which you will be applying the formula. In this instance, we chose Cell D5. Now, input the following formula and hit Enter

Employing DAYS Function to Calculate Time Between Dates in Google Sheets

  • Afterward, move the Fill Handle symbol downward to apply the formula to the remaining cells.

Moving Fill Handle Icon

  • You will thus receive the total number of days between the two dates.

Output after Employing DAYS Function

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4. Applying NETWORKDAYS Function

Even while it’s convenient and simple to find the total number of days between two different dates, most of the time you simply need the number of working days instead. Although it’s not as simple as subtracting the data, figuring out how many working days there are between two different dates is not too difficult because Google Sheets includes a formula for it. The net working days between two different dates are provided by the NETWORKDAYS function. The number of working days is determined by considering both the start and finish dates. The weekends are thought to be occurring on Saturday and Sunday. Therefore, the days from Monday through Friday are all counted. Additionally, NETWORKDAYS can be modified to compute non-standard working weeks (i.e., not Monday through Friday) as well as to eliminate holidays.


  • Select the cell to which you will be applying the formula first. Here, we selected Cell D5. Type the following formula now and press Enter

Applying NETWORKDAYS Function to Calculate Time Between Dates in Google Sheets

  • Next, apply the formula to the remaining cells by dragging the Fill Handle icon downward.

Drag Down Fill Handle Icon

  • Thus, you will obtain the total number of working days between the two dates.

Output after Applying NETWORKDAYS Function

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5. Using DATEDIF Function

The definition of the DATEDIF function is Date Difference. It enables you to figure out how many days, months, or years there are between two dates. Like the DAYS function, the DATEDIF function operates in a similar way. The two key distinctions are that you use the start date first rather than the end date and that you must additionally specify a Unit for the syntax to determine how the difference will be reported. To calculate the time difference in days, months, and years, we may use units D, M, and Y, respectively.


  • Prior to applying the formula, pick the cell that it will go in. Here, Cell D5 was our selection. Now, insert the formula below and hit Enter. We use unit D here to display the time difference in days since we wanted to compute how many days there were between two dates.

Using DATEDIF Function to Calculate Time Between Dates in Google Sheets

  • By dragging the Fill Handle symbol downward, you can then apply the formula to the remaining cells.

Pushing Down Fill Handle Icon

  • Thus, it will display the total number of days between the two dates.

Output after Using DATEDIF Function

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6. Combining TEXT and INT Functions

Occasionally we might desire to count the number of days and time that has passed between two dates in Google Sheets. Combining the TEXT and INT functions allows us to do this. The amount of time that has passed should be provided in the format of days, hours, minutes, and seconds.


  • Select the cell where you’ll apply the formula. We chose Cell D5 in this instance. Once you’ve entered the formula, press Enter
=INT(C5-B5)&"d "&TEXT(C5-B5-INT(C5-B5),"HH:MM:SS")

Combining TEXT and INT Functions to Calculate Time Between Dates in Google Sheets

Formula Breakdown

  • INT(C5-B5)

Here, the INT function rounds the total number of days passed to the nearest integer.

  • TEXT(C5-B5-INT(C5-B5),”HH:MM:SS”)

The TEXT function converts the remaining time into the format HH:MM:SS.

  • INT(C5-B5)&”d “&TEXT(C5-B5-INT(C5-B5),”HH:MM:SS”)

The output from the INT function and the TEXT function is combined using the & sign.

  • After that, drag the Fill Handle indicator downward to apply the formula to the remaining cells.

Moving Down Fill Handle Indicator

  • As a result, you will get the total amount of time that has passed in the format of days, hours, minutes, and seconds.

Output after Combining TEXT and INT Functions

Read More: How to Calculate Hours Between Two Times in Google Sheets


It ends here. I’m grateful that you patiently read this article. I’m hoping that this will make it easier for you to determine in Google Sheets how much time has passed between the two dates. In the comment section below, please feel free to post any questions or suggestions. Visit our website; if you’re interested in reading more of this creative writing on Google Sheets.

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Sishir Roy

Sishir Roy

Hello, I'm Sishir Roy. I currently work for the SOFTEKO company at as a technical writer and content developer. I completed my BSc degree in civil engineering from BUET. I like using my talents as a creative problem-solver and thinker to come up with innovative solutions to problems. I have a great interest in the research and development of data science. Please follow my blog at for more Google Sheets solutions.

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