Calculate Percentage Difference Between Two Numbers in Google Sheets

One of the easiest ways to determine how much two numbers differ proportionally is to calculate the percentage change. It’s crucial to understand the percentage changes in the corporate sector. Percentage difference can be an essential consideration when making decisions, whether you’re tracking the development of your business or estimating your return on a new investment. Luckily, Google Sheets makes it simple to evaluate percentage changes rapidly and effectively. In this article, I’ll demonstrate 3 simple ways to calculate the percentage difference between two numbers in Google Sheets. Here is an overview of what we will archive:

Overview of Calculating Percentage Difference Between Two Numbers in Google Sheets

3 Simple Ways to Calculate Percentage Difference Between Two Numbers in Google Sheets

We will use the dataset below to demonstrate 3 simple ways to calculate the percentage difference between two numbers in Google Sheets. The dataset contains a list of items and information on each product’s overall sales in 2021 and 2022. We now wish to determine the percentage difference between sales in 2021 and 2022.

Dataset to Calculate Percentage Difference Between Two Numbers in Google Sheets

1. Using Manual Formula

In Google Sheets, we can use a basic formula to calculate the percentage difference between two numbers. By subtracting the first number from the second and dividing the result by the first number, we may get the percentage difference between the two numbers. To get the percent change value in percentage, we can either use the Percent format or we can simply multiply the value by 100.

1.1 Percentage Using Format

To calculate the percentage difference between two numbers in Google Sheets, we will first subtract the first number from the second and then divide the result by the first number. Then we will use the Percent format to get the difference in percentage.


  • Firstly, select the cell to which you’re going to apply the formula. In our case, we selected Cell E5. Next, input the formula below and press Enter

Using Manual Formula to Calculate Percentage Difference Between Two Numbers in Google Sheets

  • Now, to apply the formula to the remaining cells, drag the Fill Handle icon downward.

Dragging Fill Handle Icon

  • You will thus receive the percent difference. However, the format is not in percentages. First, pick all the cells whose format you wish to alter in order to retrieve the value in percentage. We selected Cell E5:E9. Then, from the top menu bar, select the Format as percent icon.

Selecting Format as percent icon

  • As a result, you will get the percentage difference between sales in 2021 and 2022.

Output of Percentage Difference Between Two Numbers in Google Sheets

1.2 Percentage Multiplied by 100

In this case, after subtracting the first number from the second and dividing the result by the first number, we will multiply the result by 100 in order to obtain the percentage difference in Google Sheets rather than utilizing the Percent format. Here, we’ll get the percentage value only, not including the percentage symbol.


  • Select the cell to which you will apply the formula first. In this instance, we chose Cell E5. Next, enter the following formula and hit Enter
=(D5-C5)/C5 *100

Using Manual Formula to Calculate Percentage Difference Between Two Numbers in Google Sheets

  • By dragging the Fill Handle symbol downward, you can now apply the formula to the remaining cells.

Dragging the Fill Handle symbol

  • Thus, you will receive the percentage difference between the sales in 2021 and 2022.

Output after Using Manual Formula

Read More: How to Use IF Condition Between Two Numbers in Google Sheets

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2. Applying TO_PERCENT Function

The TO_PERCENT function in Google Sheets makes it simple to convert values to percentages. One of the best features of this approach is how it immediately converts the results to actual percentages, eliminating the drawback of the first method. This is practical and makes it simpler to comprehend and analyze the data.


  • First, choose the cell to which you’ll be applying the formula. In our instance, we decided on Cell E5. Put the following equation into the cell and hit Enter

Applying TO_PERCENT Function to Calculate Percentage Difference Between Two Numbers in Google Sheets

  • By dragging the Fill Handle symbol downward, you can now apply the formula to the remaining cells.

Dragging Fill Handle symbol

  • Therefore, you will get the percentage differences between 2021 and 2022 sales.

Output after Applying TO_PERCENT Function

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3. Combining ARRAYFORMULA, IF, and IFERROR Functions

When dealing with a huge dataset, repeatedly dragging the Fill Handle icon may be tedious and irritating. To obtain the percentage difference value all at once, we may combine the ARRAYFORMULA, IF, and IFERROR functions.


  • First, choose the cell to which you’ll be applying the formula. In our case, we decided on Cell E5. Next, type the following equation into the cell and press Enter

Combining ARRAYFORMULA, IF, and IFERROR Functions

Formula Breakdown

  • IFERROR((D5:D9-C5:C9)/C5:C9,0)

First, the IFERROR function will return the value of (D5:D9-C5:C9)/C5:C9; if it’s not an error value. Otherwise, it will return 0.

  • IF(D5:D9=””,,IFERROR((D5:D9-C5:C9)/C5:C9,0))

The IF function will return the output of the IFERROR function if the logical expression is true, otherwise, it will return 0.

  • ARRAYFORMULA(IF(D5:D9=””,,IFERROR((D5:D9-C5:C9)/C5:C9,0)))

Here, we use the ARRAYFORMULA function to convert the non-array values into an array.

  • Thus, you’ll obtain the percentage difference value between 2021 and 2022 sales all at once.

Output after Combining ARRAYFORMULA, IF, and IFERROR Functions

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Percent Change Calculator in Google Sheets

Here, we’ve created a Google Sheets calculator to determine the percentage difference between two numbers. You don’t need to perform any computations. Simply entering two numbers is all that is required. Then it will display the percentage difference between those two numbers.


  • The calculator will ask you to enter two numbers. Input any two numbers in Cell C4 and Cell C6.

Percent Change Calculator in Google Sheets

  • After entering the two numbers, you will see the percentage difference between those two numbers in Cell C8.

Output after Calculating Percentage Difference Between Two Numbers in Google Sheets


That’s all from this article. I hope this will help you to calculate the percentage difference between two numbers in Google Sheets. Please feel free to ask any questions or suggests any ideas in the comment section below. Visit our website,, to read more of these kinds of articles on Google Sheets.

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Sishir Roy

Sishir Roy

Hello, I'm Sishir Roy. I currently work for the SOFTEKO company at as a technical writer and content developer. I completed my BSc degree in civil engineering from BUET. I like using my talents as a creative problem-solver and thinker to come up with innovative solutions to problems. I have a great interest in the research and development of data science. Please follow my blog at for more Google Sheets solutions.

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