SUM Function

How to Find Average in Google Sheets (8 Easy Ways)

One technique to examine a group of numbers and identify the core value is to calculate the AVERAGE. When a teacher takes a test on a group of ...

How to Sum Using ARRAYFORMULA in Google Sheets

Every cell in your specified data range is applied with a single formula via the ARRAYFORMULA function in Google Sheets. By converting your formula ...

How to Use Weighted Average Formula in Google Sheets

We generally use the weighted average in those places where calculating the normal average would give a false result. Using the weighted average ...

Calculate Weighted Average Using Pivot Table in Google Sheets

The Pivot Table is a renowned feature in Google Sheets. We can do multiple calculations through the Pivot Table. In this article, we’ll see 2 easy ...

How to Use SUM Function in Google Sheets (6 Practical Examples)

Adding some cells from a row, column or array is one of the most common things one can do in Google Sheets. The SUM function in Google Sheets can be ...

How to Sum Cells from Different Sheets in Google Sheets (3 Easy Ways)

In this simple tutorial, we will look at a few ways we can use to sum cells across different sheets in Google Sheets. While the idea is simple, ...

Google Sheets: Sum an Entire Column (4 Easy Ways)

Adding or summing values in a spreadsheet is a common process. And with such a versatile application like Google Sheets, we have so many ways we can ...

How to Automatically Add Numbers in Google Sheets

The word add can mean a couple of things when incorporated into a task in a spreadsheet. In this case, it can mean either automatically to add a ...

Google Sheets: Sum of Cells with Text (4 Examples)

In this simple tutorial, we will look at a few example scenarios where we sum cells with text or those that depend on text in Google Sheets. Note ...

Google Sheets: If Cell Color is Red Then Take Action

In this article, we will look at a few ways to work with the condition "if cell color is red the take action" in Google Sheets. With conditional ...

How to Sum a Duration of Time in Google Sheets (An Easy Guide)

In this article, we will discuss how to sum the duration of time in Google Sheets. At first glance, the idea may seem simple, but a certain level of ...

Find if Date is Between Dates in Google Sheets (An Easy Guide)

Dates in Google Sheets are stored as integers, making it quite easy to use them for various calculations. And one of these calculations could be to ...

How to Auto Sum in Google Sheets

Unlike MS Excel, Google Sheets does not have a built-in AutoSum feature. But that doesn’t mean that summing in this application is slow or ...

How to Sum Multiple Rows in Google Sheets (3 Ways)

Today we will look at how to sum multiple rows in Google Sheets. While one method is expectedly common, the others may prove to help in some dynamic ...

How to Add Up A Column in Google Sheets

Today, we will look at how to add up a column in Google Sheets. It is the most common form of calculation that any user does in a spreadsheet. But ...
