How to Insert Superscript in Google Sheets (2 Simple Ways)

It is frequently essential to write mathematical, chemical, or other symbols using superscripts or subscripts. However, superscripts can’t be directly inserted into Google Sheets. Therefore, in order to enter a superscript, we need to use ASCII or Unicode code. In this article, we demonstrate two different ways to insert superscript using ASCII code in Google Sheets.

Overview of inserting superscript in Google Sheets

A Sample of Practice Spreadsheet

You can download the spreadsheets from the link below. The spreadsheets contain a dataset we use here. After downloading you can practice on your own as we demonstrate here.

What Is Superscript in Google Sheets?

A superscript is a character that is slightly above the normal typing line. For example, if we write a temperature of 6°C then the degree sign(°) just above the number 6 is an example of superscript.

2 Simple Ways to Insert Superscript in Google Sheets

We insert Symbol of parameters in the following dataset using ASCII code. All of the parameters have superscripts in their symbol and we are going to insert those superscripts while writing the full Symbol.

Dataset of how to insert superscript in Google Sheets

1. Applying CHAR Function

We can put ASCII values as the argument of the CHAR function to insert superscripts in Google Sheets. Initially, we are going to insert -10C as the value of the Temperature parameter.

📌 Steps:

  • First of all, we select cell C5 to insert the value of the Temperature parameter.
  • Next, we insert the formula below in the formula bar. The formula contains “-1” as the value of the temperature in Celcius scale. CHAR(176) portion gives us the superscript of the degree sign and “C” is the short form of the Celcius scale. All these are joined together by AMPERSAND operator (&).

Applying CHAR function with ASCII code to insert degree sign as superscript

  • As a result, -1°C is inserted in the selected cell with a superscript sign degree(°).

Temperature value inserted in cell C5

  • Now we are going to insert the Symbol of Carbon-13 Atom in the selected cell C6.
  • Afterward, we write down the formula below in the formula bar. Here, CHAR(185) and CHAR(179) give us the superscripts of one and three respectively. Finally, the symbol of the carbon atom “C” joins together with the returns of the CHAR function by the AMPERSAND operator.

Applying CHAR function with ASCII code to insert symbol 13C

  • Consequently, we get the Symbol of Carbon-13 atom in the selected cell where 13 is inserted as a superscript.

Symbol of carbon-13 inserted in cell C6

  • This time we are going to insert the well-known Einstein’s Mass-Energy Equation in cell C7. For doing this, initially, we select cell C7.
  • After that, we insert the formula below in the formula bar.

Applying CHAR function with ASCII code to insert Mass-Energy Equation

  • Finally, we get the Mass-Energy Equation in the selected cell with a perfect square superscript.

Mass-Energy Equation inserted in cell C6

Read More: How to Insert Equation in Google Sheets (4 Tricky Ways)

A Short List of Necessary ASCII Character

Here are some necessary ASCII characters that you might need from time to time.

Character Code
Superscript 1 185
Superscript 2 178
Superscript 3 179
Superscript 4 8308
Superscript 5 8309
Superscript of degree sign 0176

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2. Using Keyboard Shortcut

However, instead of using the CHAR function, we can insert superscripts directly using the keyboard shortcut of the ASCII character.

📌 Steps:

  • First of all, we want to insert -1o C as the value of the Temperature.  Hence we select cell C5 and write -1. Then we make sure the cursor is placed in the right place as indicated.

Use of keyboard shortcut to insert subscript in Google Sheets

  • Next, we press Alt+0176. As a result, we get the degree sign inserted as follows.

Inserting degree sign using keyboard shortcut in Google Sheets

  • Afterward, we write C as usual to complete the insertion.

Temperature value inserted in cell C5

  • Now, we are going to insert the Symbol of Carbon-13 Atom in the selected cell C6. Thus we write down C and place the cursor on the left side as indicated by the arrow.

Inserting symbol of Carbon-13 Atom using keyboard shortcut in Google Sheets

  • Then we press Alt+0185 for insertion of superscript one. Again we insert superscript three by pressing Altl+0179.

Symbol of carbon-13 inserted in cell C6

  • This time we are going to insert the Mass-Energy Equation in the selected cell C7. Initially, we wrote down E=MC in the selected cell and placed the cursor as indicated by the arrow.

Inserting Mass-Energy Equation in Google Sheets

  • Then we press Alt+0178 to insert superscript two in the proper place.

Result of Inserting Mass-Energy Equation using keyboard shortcut

Anyone can use a Unicode character instead of ASCII code to insert a superscript in Google Sheets. To insert a superscript character perfectly in Google Sheets, one needs to copy the Unicode of that character from a website that generates Unicode and then paste it into Google Sheets.

Read More: How to Insert an Exponent in Google Sheets (3 Easy Ways)

How to Insert Subscript in Google Sheets

We can insert subscripts in a similar fashion to inserting superscript in Google Sheets. Here we demonstrate how to insert Symbol with superscripts using ASCII character.

Inserting subscript using ASCII character

📌 Steps:

  • First of all, we want to insert a mathematical expression X1+2Y1 in the selected cell C5.
  • Hence, we put the formula below in the formula bar. Here, 8321 is the ASCII code of subscript one that passes as an argument of the CHAR.

Inserting Mathematical Expression using ASCII code in CHAR function

  • Consequently, we get the desired mathematical expression in the selected cell.

Result of inserting Mathematical Expression using CHAR function

  • At this point, we want to write the Symbol of water molecule in cell C6.
  • Hence we select cell C6 and write down the formula below in the formula bar. CHAR(8322) of this formula gives us subscript two.

Inserting symbol of water molecule using CHAR function in Google Sheets

  • As a result, we get the Symbol of water molecule with a properly inserted subscript 2 just after H.

Result of inserting water molecule symbol in Google Sheets

Read More: How to Insert Formula in Google Sheets for Entire Column

Things to Remember

  • Remember ASCII contains no subscript of letters. So we can’t write subscripts of any letters using ASCII code.
  • Unicode provides subscripts and superscripts of almost all the letters, digits and symbols of different languages.


In conclusion, inserting subscripts and superscripts in Google Sheets is not the same as in Google Docs or other documents. So, we need to take the help of ASCII or Unicode code to insert any subscripts or superscript characters. I believe, from now on you can insert superscripts in Google Sheets using the methods we discussed in this article. Visit our website OfficeWheel for the most useful articles.

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Hey, I'm Zahidul Islam Laku. I completed my graduation from Bangladesh University of Science and Technology (BUET). I write articles about a variety of tech topics. I enjoy using my abilities as a creative thinker and problem-solver to develop original solutions to issues.

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