Google Sheets Insert

How to Insert Superscript in Google Sheets (2 Simple Ways)

It is frequently essential to write mathematical, chemical, or other symbols using superscripts or subscripts. However, superscripts can’t be ...

How to Insert Button in Google Sheets (5 Quick Steps)

Often we need to use specific scripts or macros continually in Google Sheets or Excel. Inserting a button and assigning those scripts or macros to ...

How to Add Parentheses in Google Sheets (5 Ideal Scenarios)

Google Sheets is a powerful tool for organizing and analyzing data. One of the most important features of Google Sheets is the use of formulas to ...

How to Insert Error Bars in Google Sheets (3 Practical Examples)

Suppose you are working on the projection of next year's valuation of your company. You need to calculate this year’s data for this projection. But ...

How to Insert Formula in Google Sheets for Entire Column

Suppose you are working on a dataset where you need to apply formulas but this work will be difficult if you work on a complicated dataset or a large ...

How to Insert Blank Column Using QUERY in Google Sheets

Often we need to insert one or more blank columns between columns in order to input data that we forgot to insert previously. So it is necessary to ...

How to Insert Yes or No Box in Google Sheets (2 Easy Ways)

Yes/No boxes are useful in many ways. For example, we can take attendance or keep track of work progress using a Yes/No box. We can easily insert ...

How to Insert a Drop-Down List in Google Sheets (2 Easy Ways)

In Google Sheets, a drop-down list that lets users choose a value from a predetermined list rather than manually inputting data can increase data ...

How to Insert Sparklines in Google Sheets (4 Useful Examples)

Sparklines are small, in-cell charts that we can use to show trends or patterns in data. They are a great way to add visual representation to your ...

How to Insert Equation in Google Sheets (4 Tricky Ways)

Equations are often used in our calculations to express a precise and quantitative relationship between various features of our world. Since we ...

How to Insert Video in Google Sheets (2 Easy Ways)

Videos have become an essential part of many businesses and organizations in this current digital world. They are an effective way to communicate ...

How to Insert Serial Numbers in Google Sheets (7 Easy Ways)

Inserting numbers or serial numbers in Google Sheets is very simple and easy. But there are various ways to do it. And some methods are useful ...

How to Insert Multiple Columns in Google Sheets (2 Quick Ways)

While working in Google sheets we need to add single or multiple columns. In case of adding huge data sometimes we need to insert multiple columns. ...

How to Insert an Exponent in Google Sheets (3 Easy Ways)

We frequently use exponents in our calculations. Sometimes we require exponents in texts also; for example, consider expressing Einstien’s ...

How to Insert a Legend in Google Sheets (With Easy Steps)

Users of Google Sheets have access to a wide range of chart types to assist them to visualize their data. However, simply displaying a chart with a ...
