TODAY Function

How to Find 7-Day Moving Average in Google Sheets

The Simple Moving Average (SMA) constantly adds up an agency's closing price and divides the sum by the number of periods to get the average price of ...

How to Insert Moving Average Trendline in Google Sheets

In order to see the current trend of any business parameter, moving average trendlines are crucial. It identifies the current trend direction and ...

How to Calculate Time Between Dates in Google Sheets (6 Ways)

Calculating the time between dates may be beneficial for company operations in a number of different circumstances. Project management is a good ...

How to Find 50 Day Moving Average in Google Sheets

The 50 day moving average is a useful tool for identifying trends in data. It is calculated by taking the average of a security's price over the past ...

How to Highlight a Row If Date in Cell Is Today in Google Sheets

Highlighting a row based on today’s date is quite easy to achieve if you know the right method. In this article, we will discuss how to highlight a ...

Highlight Row Based on Date in Google Sheets (2 Suitable Ways)

If you need to highlight row based on a date in Google Sheets then you have come just to the right place! In this article, we will discuss in detail ...

How to Insert a Timestamp in Google Sheets (An Easy Guide)

In this tutorial, we will look at how we can insert a timestamp in Google Sheets. There are multiple approaches we can take, taking into ...

Generate Automatic Date in Google Sheets (3 Easy Ways)

In this tutorial, we will show you how to insert or generate an automatic date in Google Sheets. While the task itself is quite simple, it is the ...

Autofill Date when a Cell is Updated in Google Sheets (3 Easy Ways)

This is a simple guide to show you a few ways you can use to autofill a date when a cell is updated in Google Sheets. While there are functions and ...

How to Autofill or Continue Dates in Google Sheets (An Easy Guide)

One of the best features that Google Sheets has to offer is its autofill feature. It is smart enough to understand what type of data the user needs ...

How to Use the EOMONTH Function in Google Sheets (An Easy Guide)

If you want to generate the last day of a month which falls before or after a specified number of months, then the EOMONTH function of Google Sheets ...

Find Number of Days in a Month in Google Sheets (An Easy Guide)

Finding the number of days in a month in Google Sheets is a matter of simply understanding how the application perceives dates and using a ...

Use DATEDIF from Today in Google Sheets (An Easy Guide)

We can approach how we can find the difference in date in Google Sheets in multiple different ways. But perhaps the best way is to use the DATEDIF ...

How to Subtract Dates in Google Sheets (An Easy Guide)

Dates in Google Sheets are seen as whole numbers, with each day representing one unit. This makes calculations, like how to subtract dates in Google ...

Find Weekday Name from a Date in Google Sheets (3 Easy Ways)

Our tutorial today will focus on how we can find the weekday name from a date in Google Sheets. Google Sheets is very user-friendly when it comes to ...
