FILTER Function

Google Sheets Vlookup Dynamic Range

VLOOKUP is a powerful function in Google Sheets for finding data in large tables. It is widely used by businesses and individuals to simplify data ...

How to Fill Column with Dates in Google Sheets (2 Easy Ways)

Google sheets one of the most useful features is to fill a column or row with a series of dates automatically. This can save time and prevent errors. ...

Calculate Standard Deviation with IF Condition in Google Sheets

Standard deviation is a famous statistical tool in Google Sheets that we use often to measure the spread of values from the actual average values. We ...

How to Get Unique Values Without Blanks in Google Sheets

In Google Sheets, sometimes we want to find unique values from a huge dataset. But unfortunately, if the dataset contains any blank cell, this also ...

Use COUNTIF Function to Count Unique Values in Google Sheets

Using the COUNTIF and UNIQUE functions in Google Sheets can greatly benefit businesses and finance professionals by quickly identifying and tracking ...

How to Find Median in Google Sheets (2 Easy Ways)

While working on a dataset sometimes you need to get the middle value of the dataset. For example, if you are working on the sales chart of your ...

How to Concatenate Two Columns in Google Sheets

In business and finance, combining data from multiple columns can be crucial for analysis and decision-making. One way to do this is through the ...

How to Find Missing Values Between Two Columns in Google Sheets

Suppose you are working on two datasets at the same time. But the dataset is almost similar and there are some data missing in the second dataset. ...

How to Calculate Standard Deviation in Google Sheets

While working on a dataset maintaining unusual numbers or unnecessary values is very important. As these values make an impact on the dataset. ...

How to Filter Unique Rows in Google Sheets (4 Easy Ways)

We often need to remove duplicate entries from our spreadsheet. When you have a huge dataset, you may get repetition of multiple data but then you ...

How to Use Data Validation and Filter in Google Sheets (4 Ways)

Just one thing to say, to cope with the modern world properly, we have to be fast. Spreadsheets may contain a large amount of data and we don’t have ...

How to Ignore Blank Cells with AVERAGE Formula in Google Sheets

We average our data often in Google Sheets. However, when we average our data, we may find blank cells. While averaging our data, we may want to omit ...

How to Concatenate If Cell Is Not Blank in Google Sheets (7 Ways)

There are some built-in functions like the CONCATENATE function to concatenate cells in Google Sheets when all the cells have some values. But ...

How to Filter Between Two Dates in Google Sheets

We often need to know about just some specific range of data from a sea of data. Like, a company has data of all the information of several years but ...

How to VLOOKUP All Matches in Google Sheets (2 Approaches)

When you work with a large amount of corresponding data, it is very challenging to find and reference data from different tables. In this case, the ...
