FILTER Function

How to Calculate Moving Average in Google Sheets (2 Ways)

In the financial analysis, we use the moving average as a tool. It is also known as the running average. We can calculate the moving average by ...

Calculate Average of Last N Rows in Google Sheets (3 Ways)

Average is the most useful parameter for any business calculation. Sometimes it requires entering new data and averaging with the newest entry to ...

Alternative to Use VLOOKUP Function in Google Sheets

In Google Sheets, we may use the VLOOKUP function to look up a particular value from our dataset.  Since, the VLOOKUP function has some ...

How to VLOOKUP Last Match in Google Sheets (5 Simple Ways)

The VLOOKUP is one of the handiest operations in Google Sheets and Excel. This operation is performed we need to search or extract information from a ...

How to Ignore 0 for Standard Deviation Formula in Google Sheets

There are several functions like STDEV, STDEVA, STDEVP, etc. in Google Sheets that can measure the standard deviation for a range. These functions ...

How to Concatenate with VLOOKUP in Google Sheets

The VLOOKUP function is a vast tool in Google Sheets. You can perform numerous types of calculations using this function in Google Sheets. In this ...

How to Use VLOOKUP Function with Wildcard in Google Sheets

We use the VLOOKUP function to look up any value in a given data range. In addition to that, we can add Wildcard into the VLOOKUP formula to search ...

How to Do Reverse VLOOKUP in Google Sheets (4 Useful Ways)

The VLOOKUP function is one of the most useful functions in Google Sheets or Excel. We often use the VLOOKUP function to search any value from a ...

How to Calculate Conditional Weighted Average in Google Sheets

We frequently use Google Sheets to average or sum any data. When we need to average a dataset that is based on a specific set of criteria, we compute ...

How to Create a Search Box in Google Sheets (4 Easy Methods)

Creating a search box in Google Sheets is helpful for searching for a special piece of information in your spreadsheet and extracting the results in ...

Updating Cell Values Based on Selection in Drop Down List in Google Spreadsheet

We use drop down lists in Google Sheets very often. But sometimes we might find it problematic for updating cell values based on selection in drop ...

How to Merge Duplicate Rows in Google Sheets

One of the most widely used management tools for calculation and documentation is Google Sheets. However, the dataset frequently contains repeated ...

How to Create Conditional Drop Down List in Google Sheets

Imagine you have a dataset containing several categories of products. Each category contains various unique products. Now you need to create a ...

Transpose Multiple Rows into One Column in Google Sheets

We are pretty familiar to transpose multiple rows into columns, but transposing to one column is a bit different and difficult. We will show 3 easy ...

How to VLOOKUP with Multiple Criteria in Google Sheets

We are familiar with using VLOOKUP with single criteria but sometimes we need to do it with multiple criteria. There are many ways to VLOOKUP with ...
