How to Use LEN Function in Google Sheets (4 Practical Examples)

The Google Sheets make your work easier by developing some very handy functions. The LEN function is one of them. This function will help you to ...

How to Calculate Weighted Moving Average in Google Sheets

Weighted Moving Average (WMA) is a statistical parameter that we frequently use in business and scientific research. We use it as an indicator of ...

How to Execute Case Sensitive COUNTIF in Google Sheets

We often use the COUNTIF function for counting the number of cells based on a specific criterion. However, when we use text criteria in the COUNTIF ...

Google Sheets Count Cells Between Two Numbers with COUNTIF Function

We often need to know the specific amount of a particular type of number within a range. Like most schools publish their results not showing the ...

Calculate Standard Deviation of Weighted Variables in Google Sheets

Standard deviation is a famous statistical tool in Google Sheets that we use often to measure the spread of values from the actual average values. We ...

Alternative to Use VLOOKUP Function in Google Sheets

In Google Sheets, we may use the VLOOKUP function to look up a particular value from our dataset.  Since, the VLOOKUP function has some ...

How to Use Weighted Average Formula in Google Sheets

We generally use the weighted average in those places where calculating the normal average would give a false result. Using the weighted average ...

How to Calculate Conditional Weighted Average in Google Sheets

We frequently use Google Sheets to average or sum any data. When we need to average a dataset that is based on a specific set of criteria, we compute ...

Calculate Weighted Average Using Pivot Table in Google Sheets

The Pivot Table is a renowned feature in Google Sheets. We can do multiple calculations through the Pivot Table. In this article, we’ll see 2 easy ...

How to Calculate Weighted Average in Google Sheets

Working with values may sometimes require you to calculate the average of some numbers. There may even be situations where you need to calculate the ...

Google Sheets: Sum if Cell is Not Blank

In this tutorial, we will look at how to sum if a cell is not blank in Google Sheets over a range of cells. The Basic Way to Sum if a Cell is Not ...

Character Count in Google Sheets (An Easy Guide)

Knowing how to perform a character count in Google Sheets can often come in handy in many situations. And today we will look at some of these ...

Google Sheets: Sum If Checked (2 Ways)

Adding values under certain conditions is a common affair in Google Sheets. But one approach that can be used to simplify a condition is the ...

Count Non-Empty Cells in Google Sheets (4 Easy Ways)

The ability to recognize and count non-empty cells in Google Sheets is very crucial if you are looking to avoid some silly errors. And today, we will ...

Using COUNTIF to Count Non-Blank Cells in Google Sheets

Counting non-blank cells in a spreadsheet is a fairly common affair at every level of the profession. There are many ways to go about it. But today, ...
