Named range can be a useful feature in Google Sheets if you are working with a large volume of data. It can help you memorize important parts of your ...
The 50 day moving average is a useful tool for identifying trends in data. It is calculated by taking the average of a security's price over the past ...
In Google Sheets, the INDEX MATCH function is the combination of two basic functions: INDEX and MATCH function. Though separately these two functions ...
While working on google sheets sometimes you need to extract some particular characters, Capital letters, decimal numbers, and so on. But Getting all ...
Wildcards are a set of special symbols that help you for an effective search result and can represent a group of similar strings at a time. In this ...
While working on a dataset, sometimes we need some specific data from the dataset. For example, while counting any number in google sheets we need to ...
A percentage refers to a hundredth of something. It is identified as a part of the entire and is denoted by the special sign %. For instance, since ...
Checkboxes are interactive boxes that help us to keep track of a list for example a to-do list. We can count checked as well as unchecked items from ...
When working with a large amount of data in Google Sheets, it is common to see the same data entered several times. Finding unique data manually, one ...