COUNTA Function

How to Fill Column with Dates in Google Sheets (2 Easy Ways)

Google sheets one of the most useful features is to fill a column or row with a series of dates automatically. This can save time and prevent errors. ...

How to Insert Serial Numbers in Google Sheets (7 Easy Ways)

Inserting numbers or serial numbers in Google Sheets is very simple and easy. But there are various ways to do it. And some methods are useful ...

How to Split Cells to Get Last Value in Google Sheets (4 Methods)

Getting the last element of cells is often necessary. For instance, we may need to separate different portions of a person's name from a single ...

How to Print Row Numbers in Google Sheets (4 Useful Methods)

Sometimes we need to print the row numbers of our dataset in Google Sheets. But you can’t print the row numbers by default because rows and columns ...

Generate Random Numbers or Text Between Limits in Google Sheets

We can generate either random numbers or text easily in Google Sheets. There are some built-in functions for this purpose. These functions are the ...

How to Use INDEX Function in Google Sheets (4 Easy Examples)

While working on a dataset sometimes we need to extract some specific data from that dataset but getting the data manually is difficult and ...

Difference Between COUNT and COUNTA in Google Sheets

The COUNT and COUNTA functions are two renowned functions in Google Sheets. We use these very often. But there are some differences between these 2 ...

How to Calculate Moving Average in Google Sheets (2 Ways)

In the financial analysis, we use the moving average as a tool. It is also known as the running average. We can calculate the moving average by ...

How to Find and Remove Duplicates in Google Sheets (5 Ways)

Sometimes we fell into such a situation when we have a dataset that has some duplicate values in it. If we calculate keeping the duplicate values, ...

Google Sheets: If Cell Color is Red Then Take Action

In this article, we will look at a few ways to work with the condition "if cell color is red the take action" in Google Sheets. With conditional ...

How to Count Cells in Google Sheets (4 Easy Ways)

Being one of the most fundamental processes, there are multiple scenarios where you’d count cells in Google Sheets: Count Empty Cells Count ...

Count Cells with Color in Google Sheets (3 Easy Ways)

To make it clear, there are no direct ways to count cells with color in Google Sheets. At least, no built-in features are available that is. So, ...

How to Autofill Date in Google Sheets (A Comprehensive Guide)

This article looks to serve as a comprehensive guide discussing all the ways we can use to autofill a date in Google Sheets, starting from simple ...

How to Autofill or Continue Dates in Google Sheets (An Easy Guide)

One of the best features that Google Sheets has to offer is its autofill feature. It is smart enough to understand what type of data the user needs ...

Find All Cells With Value in Google Sheets (An Easy Guide)

In this simple tutorial, we will show you how you can find all cells with value in Google Sheets. Be it any value or specific value (text or ...
