Reference Another Workbook in Google Sheets (Step-by-Step)

Contrary to popular belief, barring certain confusing aspects of spreadsheets, how to reference another workbook in Google Sheets is fairly simple.

We are going to show you how to do so in easy progressive steps in this article. Let’s get started.

Easy Steps to Reference Another Workbook in Google Sheets

To show you the process of referring to another workbook and extracting data from them in Google Sheets, we have created a particular dataset in the Class Details spreadsheet.

the Class Details workbook - Reference another workbook in Google Sheets

In this workbook, we have a table that will contain all the classroom information of Metro School. But our data is in two other spreadsheets.

the Classrooms Info workbook - Reference another workbook in Google Sheets

Classroom Info Spreadsheet

the Class Teachers workbook - Reference another workbook in Google Sheets

Class Teachers Spreadsheet

We are going to be extracting these data from the different workbooks and organizing them together in a single one, the Class Details spreadsheet. We can do this thanks to the IMPORTRANGE function.

The syntax of IMPORTRANGE is:

=IMPORTRANGE(spreadsheet_url, range_string)

the IMPORTRANGE syntax

  • spreadsheet_url: The URL of the other spreadsheet/workbook in Google Sheets from which you are going to extract your data.
  • range_string: contains the name of the worksheet of the other workbook and the range of cells containing desired data.

Note: Both spreadsheet_url and range_string must be enclosed within quotation marks (“”).

Step 1: Select the cell where you want to extract the data to. In our case, it is cell C4. Now, type =IMPORTRANGE(. This should open the prompt.

Applying IMPORTRANGE in Class Details workbook

Step 2: Copy the URL from the other spreadsheet, Classroom Info in our case.

URL to Reference another workbook in Google Sheets

Step 3: In the place of spreadsheet_url, paste the copied URL within quotation marks (“”). Press comma (,) and move to the next part of the function.


Step 4: Note down the worksheet name and the range of cells where you are looking to extract the data from the other workbook.

noting down cell reference and worksheet name

Step 5: Replace the range_string section concerning the worksheet name and the range within quotation marks. In our case, it is “Sheet1!C4:D13”.

applying cell reference and worksheet name to IMPORTRANGE

Step 6: Close parentheses and press ENTER.


Using URL to Reference another workbook in Google Sheets

Great! We have successfully extracted two columns of data from another workbook.

Note: The IMPORTRANGE function is fully dynamic, this means that if we change any of the values of the cells in the extracted range, the values of the main workbook will also change.

For the remaining blank column, we will be extracting the data from a different workbook called Class Teachers. On top of that, we will take this chance to make a change to our input method for the spreadsheet_url field.

Read More: Reference Another Sheet in Google Sheets (4 Easy Ways)

Alternative: Using the Spreadsheet Key

In the previous extraction, we have copied and pasted the whole URL of the other Google Sheets workbook in the spreadsheet_url field. This time we will be pasting in its place the spreadsheet key of the other workbook.

Let’s see how it’s done.

Step 1: Select the cell where you want to extract the data, cell E4 in our case, and type =IMPORTRANGE(.

IMPORTRANGE alternative method

Step 2: Copy the spreadsheet key from the other workbook. The spreadsheet key is a special string in the URL, like the one in the image below.

Spreadsheet key to Reference another workbook in Google Sheets

Step 3: Copy the spreadsheet key and paste it into the spreadsheet_url field. Remember to enclose the key in quotation marks! Press comma (,) to move to the next field.

Applying Spreadsheet key to IMPORTRANGE

Step 4: Note down the range of cells and the worksheet name from the other workbook.

noting cell reference and worksheet name

Step 5: Type in the reference worksheet name and cell range enclosed in quotation marks in the range_string field. Ours is “Sheet1!C4:C13”.

applying cell reference and worksheet name

Step 6: Close parentheses and press ENTER.


Using Spreadsheet key to Reference another workbook in Google Sheets

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Clean Up Data

For our finishing touches, let us clean up our cell references a bit.

If you want, you can store the URL in-page and refer these cells into your IMPORTRANGE function:

using cell reference as URL

Referencing Classroom Info workbook

using cell reference as URL in another column

Referencing Class Teachers workbook

When directly referencing cells, you do not need to add quotation marks (“”).


The IMPORTRANGE function currently has a limit of 50 cross-workbook links. But there is word that this might change soon.

Final Words

We hope that the steps that we have discussed have clarified for you how to reference another workbook in Google Sheets, which is mainly incorporating a simple yet versatile function, IMPORTRANGE.

If you have any questions or advice for us, please feel to comment.

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Mehrab Imtiaz

Mehrab Imtiaz

Mehrab Imtiaz is a Technical Writer for specializing in everything Google Sheets. Mehrab has always had a profound passion for writing and with his experience with MS Excel and Google Sheets throughout his career, it seems to be a great match when it comes to dishing out tips and tutorials for all to enjoy.

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