How to Use QUERY with SPLIT Function in Google Sheets

We often need to split a large text string and rearrange them within different columns. Like, if a company has a dataset that contains information on all the employees including their full names and then if they want to make a new dataset containing the whole information with first name and last name separately instead of full names, what will they do? Will they start typing the whole thing in a new worksheet? Or will they copy and paste them one by one? Definitely not. The use of built in QUERY function with SPLIT function in Google Sheets really works in an amazing way for that. There are various uses for these two functions together. One of the outputs is as follows.

Overview of splitting of cells into different columns in Google Sheets

A Sample of Practice Spreadsheet

You can download the spreadsheet used for describing methods in this article from here.

5 Quick Methods to Use QUERY with SPLIT Function in Google Sheets

We will be using the following sample dataset for explaining the methods in this article. The dataset contains some employees’ information about a company.

Dataset to Use QUERY with SPLIT Function in Google Sheets

1. Joining QUERY and SPLIT Functions

Suppose, in the following worksheet below, we want to separate the first and last names of each employee. We will learn this in a way so that we can separate only the first or the last name if we want. The SPLIT function usually separates both and returns them into two different columns. But with the help of the QUERY function, we can separate them one by one.

Dataset for the application of Joint QUERY and SPLIT Functions in Google Sheets


  • First, select Cell E5, apply the following formula below and press Enter
=QUERY(SPLIT(C5," "),"select Col1")

The output will be as follows. Here, you can see that the formula returns only the first name as output.

Applying the Joint QUERY and SPLIT Functions in the 1st column in google sheets

Formula Breakdown

  • SPLIT(C5,” “)

First, the SPLIT function will split the text string that is in Cell C5 and the delimiter here is the space which is mentioned as “ ”.

  • QUERY(SPLIT(C5,” “),”select Col1”)

Thereafter, the QUERY function will pick the first separated value after the whole text string of Cell C5 is separated by the SPLIT function. The command is given here by “select Col1”.

  • Now, select Cell F5, insert the following formula and press Enter
=QUERY(SPLIT(C5," "),"select Col2")

The output you will get will be like below. Here, the whole function returns only the last name as output.

applying the Joint QUERY and SPLIT Functions in the 2nd column

Formula Breakdown

  • SPLIT(C5,” “)

First, the SPLIT function will split the text string that is in Cell C5 as mentioned previously and the delimiter here is the space that is mentioned as “ ”.

  • QUERY(SPLIT(C5,” “),”select Col2”)

After that, the QUERY function will pick the second separated value after the whole text string of Cell C5 is separated by the SPLIT function. The command is given here by “select Col2”.

  • After that, select Cell E5 again, and drag down using the Fill handle icon as shown in the circled portion.

dragging down to apply the same formula in the rest of the cells

  • Following this, the first name of other employees will be separated as follows.

joint query and split formula in all the cells of 1st column

  • Do the exact same dragging down with Fill handle icon selecting Cell F5 like previously.
  • Finally, the whole output will be as follows.

Output after joining

Read More: How to Split Cells to Get Last Value in Google Sheets (4 Methods)

2. Merging QUERY, ARRAYFORMULA and SPLIT Functions

Assume, we want to separate the first and last name of each employee from the following spreadsheet and make another dataset containing all the columns including first and last names columns. A combination of QUERY, ARRAYFORMULA and SPLIT functions will help us with that.

worksheet for the application of Merged QUERY, ARRAYFORMULA and SPLIT Functions in google sheets


  • Activate Cell F5, insert the formula below and press Enter
=QUERY({B5:B13,ARRAYFORMULA(SPLIT(C5:C13," ")),D5:D13},"Select * Where Col1 is not null",1)

application of Merged QUERY, ARRAYFORMULA and SPLIT Functions in google sheets

Formula Breakdown

  • SPLIT(C5:C13,” “)

First, this function will separate the text strings that are within Cell range C5:C13.


Then the ARRAYFORMULA applies the SPLIT function to every cell in the predefined range of cells.

  • QUERY({B5:B13,ARRAYFORMULA(SPLIT(C5:C13,” “)),D5:D13},”Select * Where Col1 is not null”,1)

Finally, the QUERY function here will pick the previous whole dataset and will make a new one where both the first and last name columns will be new.

Read More: How to Split String into Array in Google Sheets (3 Easy Methods)

Similar Readings

3. Combining CONCATENATE, QUERY and SPLIT Functions

Presume, in the following worksheet, we want to express the employee id, first name of each employee and their corresponding city together in one column. The CONCATENATE function will help to express them like that.

spreadsheet for the application of Combined CONCATENATE, QUERY and SPLIT Functions in google sheets


  • First, pick Cell F4 in the following dataset, apply the following formula below and press Enter
=CONCATENATE(B5,"-",QUERY(SPLIT(C5," "), "select Col1"),"-",D5)

Following this, the employee id from Cell B5, the first name of employee from Cell C5 and his corresponding city name from Cell D5 will appear as output as follows-

application of Combined CONCATENATE, QUERY and SPLIT Functions in google sheets

Formula Breakdown

  • SPLIT(C5,” “)

First, the SPLIT formula will split the text string that is in Cell C5 and the delimiter here is the space which is mentioned as “ ”.

  • QUERY(SPLIT(C5,” “), “select Col1”)

After that, the QUERY function will pick the first separated value after the whole text string of Cell C5 is separated by the SPLIT function as we wanted the first name to appear only. The command is given here by “select Col1”.

  • CONCATENATE(B5,”-“,QUERY(SPLIT(C5,” “), “select Col1″),”-“,D5)

Lastly, the CONCATENATE function will concatenate the text in Cell B5, the splitted first name and the text in Cell D5 together.

  • Now, drag down using the Fill handle icon as shown in the circled portion.

dragging down to get the output for rest of the cells

  • Lastly, you will get the same output for all other employees as well and the output will be all along in Cell range F5:F13.

final result of the Combined functions

Read More: How to Split a Cell in Google Sheets (9 Quick Methods)


In the spreadsheet below, we can see that the info for each employee is arranged vertically along in only one Column C which can result in procrastination while visualizing them. So what we want to do is rearrange them horizontally along row using the ARRAYFORMULA, TRIM, SPLIT, TRANSPOSE, QUERY, IF, MOD and ROW Functions.



  • Select Cell E5, then apply the formula below and press Enter

The final output will be as follows.

 the application of Merged ARRAYFORMULA, TRIM, SPLIT, TRANSPOSE, QUERY, IF, MOD and ROW Functions in google sheets

Formula Breakdown

  • MOD(ROW(C4:C15)-ROW(C3),4)

First, the whole formula will return output “1” for the Cell range C4:C15 which is arranged as 3*4 order.

  • IF(MOD(ROW(C4:C15)-ROW(C3),4)=0,”|”,””)

Next, If a logical expression is true, the IF function returns one value; if false, it returns a different value.

  • QUERY(C4:C15&”,”&IF(MOD(ROW(C4:C15)-ROW(C3),4)=0,”|”,””),,9^9)

Then, the QUERY function executes queries defined in the SQL.

  • SPLIT(QUERY(C4:C15&”,”&IF(MOD(ROW(C4:C15)-ROW(C3),4)=0,”|”,””),,9^9),”|”)

After that, the SPLIT function arranges the whole data into different cells according to the given command.

  • TRANSPOSE(SPLIT(QUERY(C4:C15&”,”&IF(MOD(ROW(C4:C15)-ROW(C3),4)=0,”|”,””),,9^9),”|”))

Thereafter, the TRANSPOSE function arranges the vertically arranged data along Column C horizontally.

  • SPLIT(TRANSPOSE(SPLIT(QUERY(C4:C15&”,”&IF(MOD(ROW(C4:C15)-ROW(C3),4)=0,”|”,””),,9^9),”|”)),”,”)

Then, the SPLIT formula will split the horizontally arranged data into 3*4 ordered cells.

  • TRIM(SPLIT(TRANSPOSE(SPLIT(QUERY(C4:C15&”,”&IF(MOD(ROW(C4:C15)-ROW(C3),4)=0,”|”,””),,9^9),”|”)),”,”))

Next, the TRIM function will remove extra spaces if there are any.

  • ARRAYFORMULA(TRIM(SPLIT(TRANSPOSE(SPLIT(QUERY(C4:C15&”,”&IF(MOD(ROW(C4:C15)-ROW(C3),4)=0,”|”,””),,9^9),”|”)),”,”)))

Finally, the ARRAYFORMULA applies the whole function to every cell in the predefined range of cells.

Read More: How to Split Text to Columns Using Formula in Google Sheets


From the following dataset below, what we want to get is a unique list of all the employees who were on duty within the period 1 to 10 January. Combination of some Google sheets built-in functions such as UNIQUE, QUERY, SPLIT, FLATTEN  and some other functions will help us to get the unique list in a garnish way.



  • Choose Cell E5, then insert the formula given below and press Enter
=ARRAYFORMULA(QUERY(UNIQUE(TRIM(FLATTEN(SPLIT(C5:C14,",")))),"Where Col1 is not null order by Col1"))

The result will be as satisfying as follows-

final result for Uniting ARRAYFORMULA, QUERY, UNIQUE,TRIM, FLATTEN and SPLIT Functions

Formula Breakdown

  • SPLIT(C5:C14,”,”)

Firstly, the SPLIT function will separate texts that are within Cell range C5:C14. The delimiter here in each cell is a comma “,”.

  • FLATTEN(SPLIT(C5:C14,”,”))

Then the FLATTEN formula here will rearrange those separated texts vertically along cells in column E.

  • TRIM(FLATTEN(SPLIT(C5:C14,”,”)))

The TRIM function here will eliminate extra spaces if there are any.


Next, the UNIQUE function will pick only the unique values from all the texts extracted by the previous formulas.

  • QUERY(UNIQUE(TRIM(FLATTEN(SPLIT(C5:C14,”,”)))),”Where Col1 is not null order by Col1″)

After that, the QUERY function will work following the given query “Where Col1 is not null order by Col1”.

  • ARRAYFORMULA(QUERY(UNIQUE(TRIM(FLATTEN(SPLIT(C5:C14,”,”)))),”Where Col1 is not null order by Col1″))

Finally, the ARRAYFORMULA applies the whole functions to every cell in the predefined range of cells.

Read More: How to Split Cell by Comma in Google Sheets (2 Easy Methods)


This article contains the 5 easiest and quickest Methods to use QUERY with SPLIT Function in Google Sheets. Hope, this will definitely help you with your task. Visit our site to see more related articles.

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Hello! This is Raiyan Zaman Adrey, a fresh graduate in BSc in Civil Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology. From my high school I have been using Excel in which I was always interested and had fun and this led me to do more research on Excel and Google Sheets as both are kinda similar platform. I have always been enthusiastic, self-motivated, reliable and hard working person and for a long time, I am trying to improve myself more and more so that I can face any challenging situation and adapt myself to any environment.

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