Google Sheets Split

How to Split Text to Columns Based on Line Break in Google Sheets

With Google Sheets' Split text to columns based on line break feature, you can break up text into numerous cells based on where lines break. When a ...

How to Split a Cell Diagonally in Google Sheets (3 Quick Ways)

We often need to split cells diagonally for various purposes in Google Sheets or Excel. Like, if you have a dataset containing dates along with ...

How to Use QUERY with SPLIT Function in Google Sheets

We often need to split a large text string and rearrange them within different columns. Like, if a company has a dataset that contains information on ...

How to Split Text to Columns Using Formula in Google Sheets

In order to properly extract meaning from the data that has been gathered, text strings must be split as a necessary first step in data analysis. For ...

How to Split Cells to Get Last Value in Google Sheets (4 Methods)

Getting the last element of cells is often necessary. For instance, we may need to separate different portions of a person's name from a single ...

How to Use SPLIT Function in Google Sheets (5 Ideal Examples)

While using Google Sheets sometimes we need to separate the content from a cell and split the strings into different columns or rows so that we can ...

How to Split String Using Apps Script in Google Sheets

We often require to split appended values from a cell. For example, we can separate the first and last names from a list of full names, divide URLs ...

How to Split Cell into Rows in Google Sheets (2 Useful Methods)

We are quite familiar with the Split Text to Columns tool in Google Sheets. This tool automatically splits texts into different columns. The SPLIT ...

How to Split View in Google Sheets (2 Easy Ways)

To work with multiple sheets we sometimes need to split the view for better understanding. However, there are no direct options in Google Sheets to ...

[Solved!] Split Text to Columns Is Not Working in Google Sheets

The Split Text to Columns feature in Google Sheets is a dynamic tool. This tool or the SPLIT function allows us to divide any values into separate ...

How to Split Cell by Comma in Google Sheets (2 Easy Methods)

Google Sheets is a powerful tool that allows users to organize, analyze, and visualize data. One common task when working with data in Google Sheets ...

How to Split String into Array in Google Sheets (3 Easy Methods)

Google Sheets has a couple of effective spreadsheet tools that allow you to split a string of text into an array of individual elements. Knowing how ...

How to Split Address in Google Sheets (3 Easy Methods)

When working with addresses in Google Sheets, sometimes you may need to split a large address into its individual components such as street, city, ...

How to Split a Cell in Google Sheets (9 Quick Methods)

We often require to split appended values from a cell. For example, we may want to separate URLs and email extensions or extract known values from a ...
