Google Sheets: Create a Pivot Table with Data from Multiple Sheets

A pivot table is a powerful data summarization tool for any spreadsheet. Since it’s a spreadsheet, it is not uncommon to have data coming from multiple worksheets. So, a question comes to mind: Can you create a pivot table using data from multiple worksheets in Google Sheets?

Yes and No.

Confusing right?

In this simple guide, we will show you exactly why you can’t directly create a pivot table from multiple sheets, but also show you how we can actually do so by using tools and functions available in the spreadsheet application.

Let’s get started.

How to Create a Pivot Table using Multiple Sheets in Google Sheets

We mentioned that it is not directly possible to create a pivot table from multiple sheets. And here’s why:

The emphasis is on the word ‘directly’, since the Pivot Table Editor does not allow the user to input multiple ranges at once.

data from multiple sheets cannot be used in a google sheets pivot table

Here we tried to add the data ranges from two separate worksheets in the spreadsheet to create a pivot table. But as you can see, multiple ranges are not accepted. This restricts us from creating a pivot table with data from multiple sources.

However, we can overcome this issue with a simple solution: extract the data from multiple sources into a single worksheet and create a pivot table from this worksheet.

Let’s see how it’s done step by step:

Step 1: Validate the Source Datasets

The first thing we must do is check whether the source datasets are valid or not. By that, we mostly mean whether the headers of all the datasets match or not.

For example, here we have the first dataset:

the first dataset

And the second dataset that we will use to create the pivot table:

the second dataset

As you can see, the layouts and headers of both worksheets are exactly the same, the only thing that differs is the data in them.

This is an ideal situation that will make combining these datasets easy.

Step 2: Consolidate/Combine the Datasets

This is the most important step of the entire process: the consolidation of data from the different sources. And we have two ways to go about it.

Given that the datasets have valid headers and data for the pivot table, we can:

  1. Use a simple reference array to extract all the data to a single worksheet.
  2. Use a QUERY formula to extract all the data to a single worksheet.

Option 1: Using Regular Cell Reference to Retrieve the Data as an Array

Step 1: Create a new worksheet to hold the data. Add headers to match the datasets.

a new worksheet is created to hold the combined data from multiple worksheets

Step 2: Open a formula in cell A2 and open curly braces.

opening the formula

The curly braces will hold the array of cell references from the different worksheets.

Step 3: Put the cursor within the curly braces and go to the different worksheets to select the range.

For Data 1 worksheet:

retrieving data from the first worksheet

Input a semicolon (;) to separate the ranges and select the data from Data 2 worksheet:

retrieving data from the second worksheet

Step 4: Close the curly brace and press ENTER.

={'Data 1'!A2:D19;'Data 2'!A2:D17}

combining data from multiple worksheets to use in a google sheets pivot table

We can now move to create a pivot table with this Combined Data worksheet.

Option 2: Using QUERY Function (Recommended)

This next option is to simply enclose the array used in Option 1 inside a function. Namely the QUERY function.

Step 1: Create a new worksheet where you will put the combined data. Add the headers that are required.

Step 2: Open the QUERY function in cell A2 and open a curly brace after.

opening the query function

Step 3: Go to each dataset and add the range of values. Separate each range with a semicolon (;).

adding the range of data from multiple worksheets to the query function

Step 4: Close the curly brace and parentheses and press ENTER.

=QUERY({'Data 1'!A2:D19;'Data 2'!A2:D17})

using query to combine data from multiple sheets in google sheets to use in pivot table

Alternatively, if you want to make this extraction of data dynamic and include any new entry done to any source dataset, make these two changes:

  1. Remove the cell range limits (A2:D19 to A2:D and so on)
  2. Enclose the array within a SORT function. This will help push all the blank cells in the range downward.
=SORT({'Data 1'!A2:D;'Data 2'!A2:D})

using sort to make the combination more dynamic

This will sort the source data but will have no impact on the eventual pivot table.

You can now create a pivot table with this combined data.

Step 3: Create the Pivot Table

All that is left to do is to create a pivot table from the dataset that we have just created.

If you already know how then that’s great, you are done. If not, follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Select entire columns of the data. Click on the worksheet column headers (A, B, C…) to select the entire column.

Step 2: Navigate to Pivot Tables from the Insert tab.

Insert > Pivot Tables

Step 3: Select where you want the pivot table to appear. The same worksheet or a new one.

Here is an example pivot table using the combined data of multiple worksheets in Google Sheets:

pivot table from multiple sheets in google sheets

Learn More: How to Make a Pivot Table in Google Sheets (A Comprehensive Guide)

Final Words

That concludes our step-by-step guide on how we can create a pivot table using data from multiple sheets in Google Sheets.

While a direct method would have been handy, Google Sheets provides its users with enough tools to take a longer, yet simpler, approach to this issue.

Feel free to leave any queries or advice you might have for us in the comments section below.

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Mehrab Imtiaz

Mehrab Imtiaz

Mehrab Imtiaz is a Technical Writer for specializing in everything Google Sheets. Mehrab has always had a profound passion for writing and with his experience with MS Excel and Google Sheets throughout his career, it seems to be a great match when it comes to dishing out tips and tutorials for all to enjoy.

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