Calculate Standard Deviation of Weighted Variables in Google Sheets

Standard deviation is a famous statistical tool in Google Sheets that we use often to measure the spread of values from the actual average values. We also use the standard deviation of weighted variables in Google Sheets to measure the spread when weights are given against different values. In this article, we’ll see 2 suitable methods to calculate the standard deviation of weighted variables in Google Sheets with clear images and steps.

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What Is Standard Deviation of Weighted Variables?

Standard deviation is a statistical tool that calculates the average distance of each value from the average of the whole dataset. And the standard deviation of weighted variables calculates the spread of values from the average of the whole dataset where some values have more weight than others.

2 Suitable Methods to Calculate Standard Deviation of Weighted Variables in Google Sheets

Let’s get introduced to our dataset first. Here we have some tests of a student in Column B and his scores in those tests in Column C. There are also some weights given on each test in Column D. Now, I’ll show you 2 suitable methods to calculate the standard deviation of weighted variables in Google Sheets with the help of this dataset.

How to Calculate Standard Deviation of Weighted Variables in Google Sheets

1. Combining SUMPRODUCT, SUM and SQRT Functions

Firstly, we can combine the SUMPRODUCT, SUM and SQRT functions to calculate the standard deviation of weighted variables in Google Sheets. The SUMPRODUCT and SUM functions will help us to calculate the weighted average. We’ll also use the COUNTIF function to count the total number of non-zero weights. At last, the SQRT functions will give us the square root of the output and thus we get the desired standard deviation of weighted variables. Let’s see the steps.


  • At first, type the following formula in Cell E12
  • Then, hit Enter to get the weighted average.

Combining SUMPRODUCT, SUM and SQRT Functions to Calculate Standard Deviation of Weighted Variables in Google Sheets

Formula Breakdown

  • SUMPRODUCT(C5:C10,D5:D10)

Initially, this function multiplies Cell C5 with Cell D5 and continues this till Cells C10 and D10. After that, it returns the summation of all the multiplied values.

  • SUM(D5:D10)

This function returns the summation of the Cells from D5 to D10.

  • SUMPRODUCT(C5:C10,D5:D10)/SUM(D5:D10)

At last, this formula gives the desired weighted average.

  • Next, write the following formula in Cell E5
  • After that, press Enter to get the squared deviation.

Combining SUMPRODUCT, SUM and SQRT Functions to Calculate Standard Deviation of Weighted Variables in Google Sheets

  • Thereafter, apply the Fill Handle tool to use the formula in the rest of the cells of Column E.

Combining SUMPRODUCT, SUM and SQRT Functions to Calculate Standard Deviation of Weighted Variables in Google Sheets

  • Afterward, you’ll see the squared deviation for all the values in Column E.

Combining SUMPRODUCT, SUM and SQRT Functions to Calculate Standard Deviation of Weighted Variables in Google Sheets

  • Consequently, insert the following formula in Cell E13
  • Again, click Enter to get the total numbers of non-zero weight (M).

Combining SUMPRODUCT, SUM and SQRT Functions to Calculate Standard Deviation of Weighted Variables in Google Sheets

  • Moreover, put the following formula in Cell E14
  • Finally, hit the Enter button to get the standard deviation of weighted variables.

Combining SUMPRODUCT, SUM and SQRT Functions to Calculate Standard Deviation of Weighted Variables in Google Sheets

Formula Breakdown

  • SUMPRODUCT(D5:D10,E5:E10)

Before all, this function multiplies Cell D5 with Cell E5 and continues this until Cells D10 and E10. Then, it gives the summation of all the multiplied values.

  • ((E13-1)/E13)*SUM(D5:D10)

Next, we subtract 1 from Cell E13 and divide it by Cell E13. Consequently, we multiply the output with the summation of the values from Cell D5 to D10.

  • SQRT(SUMPRODUCT(D5:D10,E5:E10)/(((E13-1)/E13)*SUM(D5:D10)))

In the end, this formula gives the desired standard deviation of weighted variables.

Read More: How to Calculate Standard Deviation in Google Sheets

2. Uniting AVERAGE.WEIGHTED and SQRT Functions

Unlike, the previous method we can also unite the AVERAGE.WEIGHTED and SQRT functions to calculate the standard deviation of weighted variables in Google Sheets. The AVERAGE.WEIGHTED function is a built-in function in Google Sheets that serves the purpose of the combination of the SUMPRODUCT and SUM functions. That’s why in this case we’ll get the output quickly. Moreover, the COUNTIF function is also used like the previous method to count the total number of non-zero weights.


  • First of all, insert the following formula in Cell E12
  • Also, press the Enter button to get the weighted average.

  • Further, put the following formula in Cell E5
  • As well as, click the Enter button to get the squared deviation of the values.

  • In addition, use the Fill Handle tool to apply the formula for the rest of the cells in Column E.

  • Subsequently, you’ll find the squared deviation in all the cells of Column E.

  • Then, type the following formula in Cell E13
  • Next, hit Enter to get the total numbers of non-zero weight (M) present in our dataset.

  • After that, write the following formula in Cell E14
  • Ultimately, press Enter to get the standard deviation of weighted variables.

Formula Breakdown


Earlier on, this function returns the weighted average of the Cells from E5 to E10 and D5 to D10.

  • (E13-1)/E13

Then, we subtract 1 from Cell E13 and again divide the output by Cell E13.

  • SQRT(AVERAGE.WEIGHTED(E5:E10,D5:D10)/((E13-1)/E13))

Finally, this formula returns the desired standard deviation of weighted variables.

Read More: How to Add Different Standard Deviation Bars in Google Sheets

Things to Remember

  • You can put the weights both as percentages or in decimal form. For this, the result would be the same.
  • Don’t forget to lock the Cell E12 which has the weighted average to calculate the squared deviation in Column E.


That’s all for now. Thank you for reading this article. In this article, I have discussed 2 suitable methods to calculate the standard deviation of weighted variables in Google Sheets. Please comment in the comment section if you have any queries about this article. You will also find different articles related to google sheets on our Visit the site and explore more.

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Sajid Ahmed

Sajid Ahmed

Hi! This is Sajid Ahmed. At present, I am working as an Executive, Content Development at Here I will be posting articles related to different problems of Google Sheets. I have completed my graduation from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering. Despite a different background, I have a great interest in the research and development of data science. I try to make innovative solutions to different problems regarding Google Sheets. Please follow my blog at to get different solutions regarding Google Sheets.

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