How to Concatenate Values for IF Condition in Google Sheets

In Google Sheets, you can combine cells by using some functions. CONCATENATE, JOIN and TEXTJOIN are the most popular among them. To apply some ...

How to Concatenate Strings with Separator in Google Sheets

Concatenating strings is necessary to join texts of two or more cells. Using copy-paste we can concatenate strings manually. But, this is strenuous ...

How to Concatenate in Google Sheets (6 Suitable Ways)

Sometimes it is necessary to join or concatenate information from different cells, columns, or rows. To perform this, copy-paste is handy until you ...

How to Concatenate If Cell Is Not Blank in Google Sheets (7 Ways)

There are some built-in functions like the CONCATENATE function to concatenate cells in Google Sheets when all the cells have some values. But ...

How to Concatenate Multiple Cells in Google Sheets (11 Examples)

We often need to concatenate multiple cells while working in Google Sheets. There are several functions that can help us in this regard. However, ...

How to Concatenate Text and Formula in Google Sheets (7 Ways)

We are aware of concatenating 2 corresponding cells in Google Sheets. But to concatenate text and formula is pretty straightforward. For this ...

How to Use CONCATENATE Function in Google Sheets

Concatenating values is one of the basic operations performed in Google Sheets. There are several functions in Google Sheets to join cells into one. ...

How to Concatenate with VLOOKUP in Google Sheets

The VLOOKUP function is a vast tool in Google Sheets. You can perform numerous types of calculations using this function in Google Sheets. In this ...

Transpose Multiple Rows into One Column in Google Sheets

We are pretty familiar to transpose multiple rows into columns, but transposing to one column is a bit different and difficult. We will show 3 easy ...

How to Substitute Multiple Values in Google Sheets (An Easy Guide)

In this simple tutorial, we will look at how we can substitute multiple values in Google Sheets. Unsurprisingly, our primary method revolves ...

Find the Top 10 Values in a Google Sheets Pivot Table (2 Easy Examples)

While there are no direct ways, it is still possible to find the top 10 values in a Google Sheets pivot table. In this article, we will explain ...

How to Convert Date to String in Google Sheets (An Easy Guide)

Today, in this simple tutorial we will look at how we can convert a date to string in Google Sheets. Beyond direct formatting from the Toolbar, we ...

Replace Space with Dash in Google Sheets (2 Ways)

Today we have a look at a couple of different ways by which we can replace space with a dash in Google Sheets. One method talks about direct ...

How to Concatenate With Separator in Google Sheets (3 Ways)

Separators, or more technically known as delimiters, are a crucial part of making concatenated values in spreadsheets more presentable. Today, we ...

How to Merge Cells In Google Sheets Without Losing Data

Sometimes, the traditional ways to merge cells in google sheets may not cut it, thanks to the wiping of data that happens with the built-in function. ...
