
How to Remove Characters from a String in Google Sheets (6 Easy Examples)

Updating data can involve both adding and removing other data to it. Things become trickier when we have hundreds of updates to perform, which is a ...

Use REGEXREPLACE to Replace Multiple Values in Google Sheets (An Easy Guide)

While there are a number of ways to do so, the REGEXREPLACE function is a great way to replace multiple values in Google Sheets, especially for ...

How to Substitute Multiple Values in Google Sheets (An Easy Guide)

In this simple tutorial, we will look at how we can substitute multiple values in Google Sheets. Unsurprisingly, our primary method revolves ...

How to Filter with QUERY for Multiple Criteria in Google Sheets (An Easy Guide)

The QUERY function is perhaps the most customizable function to search and present specific values in Google Sheets from a source. So, in this ...

How to Filter By Rows in Google Sheets (An Easy Guide)

Typically, datasets are presented vertically, with column headers followed by a vertical list of data. But sometimes, you may have data that is given ...

Filter with the AND Condition in Google Sheets (An Easy Guide)

When we filter for multiple conditions in a spreadsheet, we follow one of the two approaches to the relationship of the said conditions: AND or OR. ...

Google Sheets: The FILTER Function (A Comprehensive Guide)

Filtering is a primary process that is utilized in most spreadsheets, especially those that contain a large amount of data. While most spreadsheet ...

How to Filter with the OR Condition in Google Sheets (3 Easy Ways)

Filtering with multiple criteria is a common requirement for most spreadsheets. However, doing so gives rise to logical calculations of how these ...

How to Filter for Multiple Conditions in Google Sheets (2 Easy Ways)

Filters are a great tool to help sift through a large set of data and bring out the important ones depending on various conditions. Unlike Excel, ...

Filter Entries if it Does Not Contain Value in Google Sheets (2 Easy Ways)

The most common and default approach to filtering is to look for a certain value in a data range. But what if we wanted to filter entries if it does ...

How to Filter Based on a Cell Value in Google Sheets (2 Easy ways)

Cell references can be a huge deal when it comes to automating many spreadsheet features, including filtering. Keeping that in mind, in this article ...

Applying Filter with REGEXMATCH Function in Google Sheets (Easy Examples)

The REGEXMATCH function of Google Sheets can help us easily filter for text conditions. Not only that but also thanks to the use of regular ...

Filter Values that Contains Multiple Text Criteria in Google Sheets (2 Easy Ways)

Filtering in Google Sheets is a core process required by most analysts. While there are a plethora of great filter conditions already available in ...

How to Filter by Condition Using a Custom Formula in Google Sheets (3 Easy Examples)

Using a custom formula is the easiest way to filter by a specific condition in Google Sheets. While the filter feature has improved by leaps and ...

Google Sheets: Filter Data that Contains Text (3 Easy Ways)

Filtering in a spreadsheet is a common task. But it is good to understand that there are a lot of ways and scenarios where filters can be applied. ...
