How to Copy Horizontal and Paste Vertical in Google Sheets

While using Google Sheets, you might occasionally need to convert rows to columns. This doesn’t have to be done manually, one by one. You can accomplish this with ease because of the fantastic capabilities of Google Sheets. In this article, we will show you 3 easy methods to copy horizontal and paste it vertical in Google Sheets.

3 Easy Methods to Copy Horizontal and Paste Vertical in Google Sheets

The example of copying data horizontally and pasting it vertically in Google Sheets will be shown using the dataset below. The dataset includes the first five T20 world cup champions. The winner of the T20 World Cup and the year it was held are in two separate rows. In Google Sheets, we wish to paste it along a column.

How to Copy Horizontal and Paste Vertical in Google Sheets

1. Using Paste Special Command

Using Paste Special command is one the easiest and fastest ways to copy text horizontally and paste it vertically in Google Sheets. The best thing about it is that the format of your data remains the same after transposition.


  • First, select the entire data range you want to transpose and press the Ctrl+C button.

Using Paste Special Command to Copy Horizontal and Paste Vertical in Google Sheets

  • Now, select a cell in Google Sheets where you want to paste your data.

  • Press the right-click button. Go to the Paste special command and select Transposed.

Select Transposed from Paste Special Command to Copy Horizontal and Paste Vertical in Google Sheets

  • Google Sheets will paste your data vertically.

Read More: How to Copy and Paste in Google Sheets (4 Simple Ways)

2. Applying the TRANSPOSE Function

We can also use a function in Google Sheets to copy text horizontally and paste it vertically. The TRANSPOSE function will transpose your data but the format of the data changes in this process. The TRANSPOSE function converts the rows and columns in a cell range or an array.


  • First, select a cell in Google Sheets where you want to paste your data.

Applying TRANSPOSE Function to Copy Horizontal and Paste Vertical in Google Sheets

  • Type the formula below and give your data range inside the TRANSPOSE function

  • After pressing the Enter button, you will get your desired result. But it won’t copy the formats.

Read More: How to Copy and Paste Multiple Cells in Google Sheets (4 Ways)

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3. Employing INDEX Function to Transpose Every N Rows into Columns

We can copy horizontally and paste vertically in a slightly different way. Like, you may want to copy every n number of rows of a column and paste n number of columns at a time; you can use the INDEX function to do so. The INDEX function gives back the cell’s content which is specified by the row and column offset. But for this method, It will need to start the dataset from Cell A1, otherwise, the formula won’t work properly.


  • Choose a cell where you want to paste your data. We chose Cell C1.

Employing INDEX Function to Transpose Every N Rows into Columns in Google Sheets

  • Now, type the function below and press Enter

where N represents how many rows you wish to transpose at once. We want to transpose every 3 rows of Column A to 3 columns, so we use (N = 3).

Formula Breakdown

  • ROW(A1)

It indicates the row where Cell A1 is located.

  • COLUMN(A1)

It designates the column that contains Cell A1.

  • INDEX($A:$A,ROW(A1)*3-3+COLUMN(A1))

Here, $A:$A specifies the set of cells where the values are extracted. ROW(A1)*3-3+COLUMN(A1) indicates the values to be returned from the set of cells.

  • Now, drag the Fill Handle icon towards the right direction up to 3 columns.

  • Then drag the Fill Handle icon towards the down direction.

  • Now see, it created three columns which are showing every third row from the column.

Read More: How to Copy and Paste Multiple Rows in Google Sheets (2 Ways)

How to Transpose Multiple Rows into a Single Column

Sometimes, you may wish to transpose multiple rows into a single column in Google Sheets. You can use the FLATTEN function to do so. All the values from one or more ranges are squashed into a single column by the FLATTEN function.


  • First, select a cell in Google Sheets where you want to paste your data.

Transpose Multiple Rows into a Single Column in Google Sheets

  • Now, type the function below and press the Enter button-

Using FLATTEN Function to Copy Horizontal and Paste Vertical in Google Sheets

  • Soon after, we’ll get all the data in a single column.

Read More: How to Copy and Paste Multiple Columns in Google Sheets


In Google Sheets, you may wish to copy text horizontally and paste it vertically. In this article, we have demonstrated how to do so by using the Paste Special command, the TRANSPOSE function. We have used the INDEX function to transpose every N row into N columns, and we have used the FLATTEN function to transpose multiple rows into a single column.

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Sishir Roy

Sishir Roy

Hello, I'm Sishir Roy. I currently work for the SOFTEKO company at as a technical writer and content developer. I completed my BSc degree in civil engineering from BUET. I like using my talents as a creative problem-solver and thinker to come up with innovative solutions to problems. I have a great interest in the research and development of data science. Please follow my blog at for more Google Sheets solutions.

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