Google Sheets Use Filter to Remove Duplicates in Column

In Google Sheets, the easiest way to remove duplicates from a vast range of data is using the Filter menu. With the help of the filter menu just select the duplicates, right-click, and delete. In this article, we will explain how to use a filter in Google Sheets to remove duplicates in a column.

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3 Suitable Ways to Use Filter to Remove Duplicates in Column in Google Sheets

You should consider the word Duplicate in Google Sheets in a broader sense because it mostly depends on the data formatting in the sheet. We use two datasets to show the three methods of Filtering duplicates.
We will use a dataset containing Employee Name to filter and remove the duplicates from a single column of data.

dataset to filter google sheets to remove duplicates in columns

For showing multiple and random columns method, we create a dataset containing three columns: Employee Name, Email ID, and Joining Year.

dataset to filter google sheets to remove duplicates in columns

In both datasets, the Helper column will be used to filter the dataset.

Tip: You can hide the Helper column in your worksheet after you are done using it.

1. For Single Column

We can use three different functions for a single column to filter Google Sheets to remove duplicates in a column. The formulas and their use in filtering data are described below:

1.1 Using QUERY Function

Through the QUERY function, you can filter your data in any format you want. It will help you to reach your data of interest from a broad dataset. To apply the method,


  • First, select a cell to insert the function. Here we are going to apply it in cell C5 in the Helper column.

using query function to filter google sheets to remove duplicates in columns

  • Open the QUERY function in cell C5.

insert query formula to filter duplicates from google sheets

  • Now, we will create a compound formula taking the help of ROW, SORT, and MATCH functions to state the range and duplicate conditions of the QUERY. (The formula breakdown is presented below)
=QUERY(IFERROR(SORT({ROW(B5:B)-ROW(B5)+2-MATCH(SORT(B5:B),SORT(B5:B),0),SORT(ROW(B5:B)+2-ROW(B5)+2,B5:B,1)},2,1),),"Select Col1")
  • Press ENTER to apply the formula and you will find the results in the Helper column. It shows the count of the Names as they occur.

insert query function to filter and remove duplicates from google sheets

Formula Breakdown

  • MATCH(SORT(B5:B),SORT(B5:B),0): Here, SORT(B5:B) sorts the values in column B starting from cell B5. The MATCH function uses the output of the SORT function to return the position of matching values.
  • SORT(ROW(B5:B)+2-ROW(B5)+2,B5:B,1): ROW(B5:B) and ROW(B5) returns the respective row numbers. Then the SORT function sorts the values from B5 to the entire B column and marks them by adding 1 for each value.
  • SORT({ROW(B5:B)-ROW(B5)+2-MATCH(SORT(B5:B),SORT(B5:B),0),SORT(ROW(B5:B)+2-ROW(B5)+2,B5:B,1)},2,1): Here the curly brackets {} converts all of the outputs to an array. Then the SORT function sorts the outputs and returns 1 for the unique values and 2 for duplicates.
  • IFERROR(…): The IFERROR function returns an empty string in case of errors. Otherwise, it returns the formula output.
  • QUERY(…,”Select Col1″): This is the actual query action. It queries the values in Column B (which is the first column of the selected range) to find the duplicates.
  • Next, select the entire table.
  • Go to Data and select Create a filter.

create filter to filter duplicates

  • You can find the filter sign beside the column title.

insert filter symbol in dataset

  • Go to the Helper column’s filter bar and select the Filter by condition bar. Now click on the Greater than option bar.

edit conditional bar to filter duplicates

  • Now insert 1 in the box and press OK to operate.

edit conditional bar to filter duplicates

  • Finally, you can find the duplicate filter value in the dataset. You can remove all of them by clicking the DELETE option.

filter final outcome to find duplicates

1.2 Applying ARRAYFORMULA Function

The ARRAYFORMULA function is used to represent a huge range of data instead of a single value. In this article, we use this formula to filter the column or columns. To apply this formula,


  • First, select cell C5 in the Helper column and insert the ARRAYFORMULA function.

insert arrayformula function to filter duplicates in google sheets

  • Insert the IF and COUNTIF formulas to find the duplicates in the dataset.

insert if and countif formula to filter duplicates from google sheets

  • Here is the resulting Helper Column:

insert arrayformula function to filter and remove duplicates

Formula Breakdown

  • COUNTIFS(B5:B, B5:B, ROW(B5:B), “<=”&ROW(B5:B)): The COUNTIFS function will evaluate two criteria in two ranges. Firstly, it will look for the value in the B5 cell in the B5:B range. Secondly, it will evaluate if the ROW(B5:B) or the row number of the B5 cell is less than or equal to the row number returned by ROW(B5:B). If the cell value fulfills both conditions, then it will count the value. In this case, it will return 1.
  • IF(B5:B<>””,COUNTIFS(B5:B,B5:B,ROW(B5:B),”<=”&ROW(B5:B)),): This is just a normal IF formula. The formula becomes if(B5:B<>””,1,). So, if the value in the B5 cell is not equal to zero then the formula will return 1. Here, we have added the ARRAYFORMULA around the IF function just to make the formula more adaptable and get the output values as an array.
  • Then go to Data and select Create a filter.

create filter to filter duplicates

  • After that, select Filter by condition > Greater than > 1. Finally, press OK.

conditional filter to find the duplicates

  • You can find the filtered duplicate values in your dataset. Now you can delete them easily.

filter and remove duplicates from google sheets

Read More: How to Use ARRAYFORMULA in Google Sheets (6 Examples)

1.3 Inserting IF and COUNTIF Functions

In Google Sheets, the IF and COUNTIF function are used to solve the different conditions. These functions combinedly filter duplicates from Google Sheets.


  • Select cell C5 and insert the formula there.

insert if and countif formula to filter and remove duplicates from google sheets

Formula Breakdown

  • COUNTIF($B$5:B5, B5): The COUNTIF function will evaluate two criteria in two ranges. Firstly, it will look for the value in the $B$5 cell. Secondly, it will evaluate if the row number of the B5 cell is less than or equal to the row number returned by B5. If the cell value fulfills both conditions, then it will count the value. In this case, it will return 1.
  • IF(COUNTIF($B$5:B5,B5)=1,1,0): This is just a normal IF formula. So, if the value in the B5 cell is not equal to 0 then the formula will return 1.
  • Copy the formula down the entire column by using the fill handle.

insert if and countif formula to filter and remove duplicates from google sheets

  • Select the entire dataset and go to menu bar, then select Data > Create a filter to add a filter option in your columns.
  • Then remove the tick mark from the 0. So that you can filter only those values containing 1.
  • Finally, press OK to apply.

apply the formula to filter the duplicates from google sheets

  • You can find only the filtered unique values in the dataset.

filter unique values from the dataset

Read More: How to Use Formula to Highlight Duplicates in Google Sheets

Similar Readings

2. For Multiple Columns

You can also use the same functions to filter duplicates from multiple columns in Google Sheets. To do so here we create a dataset of three columns.

2.1 Using the QUERY Function

The QUERY function method remains the same as applied to the single column. For multiple columns,


  • Select the cell to insert the QUERY function. Here, we select cell E5 in the Helper column.

using the query function to filter and remove duplicates from multiple columns in google sheets

  • The QUERY formula for multiple columns is:
=QUERY({B5:B,IFERROR(SORT({ROW(B5:B)-ROW(B5)+2-MATCH(SORT(B5:B&C5:C&D5:D),SORT(B5:B&C5:C&D5:D),0),SORT(ROW(B5:B)+2-ROW(B5)+2,B5:B&C5:C&D5:D,1)},2,1),)},"Select Col2 where Col1 is not null")

query formula for multiple columns in google sheets

Formula Breakdown

  • MATCH(SORT(B5:B&C5:C&D5:D),SORT(B5:B&C5:C&D5:D),0): Here, SORT(B5:B&C5:C&D5:D) sorts the values for the entire table containing columns B, C & D. The MATCH function uses the output of the SORT function to return the position of matching values.
  • SORT(ROW(B5:B)+2-ROW(B5)+2,B5:B&C5:C&D5:D,1): ROW(B5:B) and ROW(B5) returns the respective row numbers. Then the SORT function sorts the values from B5, C5 & D5 to the entire B, C & D column and marks them by adding 1 for each value.
  • SORT({ROW(B5:B)-ROW(B5)+2-MATCH(SORT(B5:B&C5:C&D5:D),SORT(B5:B&C5:C&D5:D),0),SORT(ROW(B5:B)+2-ROW(B5)+2,B5:B&C5:C&D5:D,1)},2,1),)}: Here the curly brackets {} converts all of the outputs to an array. Then the SORT function sorts the outputs and returns 1 for the unique values and 2 for duplicates.
  • IFERROR(…}: The IFERROR function returns an empty string in case of errors. Otherwise, it returns the formula output.
  • QUERY({B5:B,…,”Select Col2 where Col1 is not null”): It queries the values in Column B to find the duplicates. “Select Col2 where Col1 is not null” is applicable for multiple columns.
  • Then go to the Data and select Create a filter.

create a filter to filter and remove duplicates in google sheets

  • The filter symbol is added just beside the column title.
  • Now, go to the filter option, select Filter by condition, then choose Greater than and enter 1 in the box below.
  • Finally, press OK.

conditional filter to find the duplicates

  • You can find duplicate values in the dataset. You can remove them by using the Delete option.

using query formula to filter duplicates in google sheets

Read More: How to Find and Remove Duplicates in Google Sheets (5 Ways)

2.2 Applying ARRAYFORMULA Function

The ARRAYFORMULA function is also the same for multiple columns. There is a small difference only in cell selection. So, to apply the ARRAYFORMULA function for multiple columns.


  • First, select the cell and enter the ARRAYFORMULA function. Here, we insert the formula into the Helper column.

arrayformula function to filter duplicates from multiple columns

Formula Breakdown

  • COUNTIFS(B5:B&C5:C&D5:D,B5:B&C5:C&D5:D,ROW(B5:B),”<=”&ROW(B5:B)): The COUNTIFS function will evaluate two criteria in two ranges. Firstly, it will look for the value in the B5:B&C5:C&D5:D ranges. Secondly, it will evaluate if the ROW(B5:B) or the row number of the B5 cell is less than or equal to the row number returned by ROW(B5:B). If the cell value fulfills both conditions then it will count the value. In this case, it will return 1.
  • IF(B5:B<>””,COUNTIFS(B5:B&C5:C&D5:D,B5:B&C5:C&D5:D,ROW(B5:B),”<=”&ROW(B5:B)),): This is just a normal IF formula. The formula becomes IF(B5:B<>””,1,). So, if the value in the B5 cell is not equal to zero then the formula will return 1. Here, we have added the ARRAYFORMULA around the IF function just to make the formula more adaptable and get the output values as an array.
  • Then, ‘Select’ Filter by condition > Greater than > 1 > OK.

applying arrayformula function to filter duplicates from google sheets

  • Now you can easily find the duplicates and can remove them if necessary.

filter and remove duplicates from multiple columns in google sheets

Read More: How to Highlight Duplicates for Multiple Columns in Google Sheets

3. For Random Columns

You can use the QUERY and ARRAYFORMULA functions for filtering random columns in Google Sheets. The formula structure is the same as the multiple-column formulas. The main changes are in the column range selection. For multiple columns, you can select all the columns to apply the filter, but for the random column, you have to choose the specific columns from where you want to filter your data. Here, we select B and D columns for applying the methods.

random columns method to filter duplicates in google sheets

3.1 QUERY Function for Random Columns

  • First, we select the E5 cell in the Helper column.

random columns method to filter duplicates in google sheets

  • Enter the QUERY formula in the selected cell.

random columns method to filter duplicates in google sheets

  • The QUERY function for random columns is:
=QUERY({B5:B,IFERROR(SORT({ROW(B5:B)-ROW(B5)+2-MATCH(SORT(B5:B&D5:D),SORT(B5:B&D5:D),0),SORT(ROW(B5:B)+2-ROW(B5)+2,B5:B&D5:D,1)},2,1),)},"Select Col2 where Col1 is not null")

Formula Breakdown

  • MATCH(SORT(B5:B&D5:D),SORT(B5:B&D5:D),0): Here, SORT(B5:B&D5:D) sorts the values for the entire table containing columns B & D. The MATCH function uses the output of the SORT function to return the position of matching values.
  • SORT(ROW(B5:B)+2-ROW(B5)+2,B5:B&D5:D,1): ROW(B5:B) and ROW(B5) returns the respective row numbers. Then the SORT function sorts the values from B5 & D5 to the entire B & D column and marks them by adding 1 for each value.
  • SORT({ROW(B5:B)-ROW(B5)+2-MATCH(SORT(B5:B&D5:D),SORT(B5:B&D5:D),0),SORT(ROW(B5:B)+2-ROW(B5)+2,B5:B&D5:D,1)},2,1),)}: Here the curly brackets {} converts all of the outputs to an array. Then the SORT function sorts the outputs and returns 1 for the unique values and 2 for duplicates.
  • IFERROR(…)}: The IFERROR function returns an empty string in case of errors. Otherwise, it returns the formula output.
  • QUERY({B5:B,…,”Select Col2 where Col1 is not null”): It queries the values in Column B to find the duplicates. “Select Col2 where Col1 is not null” is applicable for multiple columns or random columns.
  • Here, I just exclude column C from the function. As I want to find the duplicates from Employment Name and Joining Year columns.

query function for random columns to filter and remove duplicates

  • Here, Though the Employee Name and Email ID of these two employees are the same, they do not make duplicates because the Joining Year is different. We select B and D columns as our random data to filter so, the C column is not under consideration.
  • You can see the final result in the dataset.

filter duplicates from random columns in google sheets

Read More: Highlight Duplicates in Google Sheets (4 Ways)

3.2 ARRAYFORMULA Function for Random Columns

For random columns, the ARRAYFORMULA function will help you to filter a range of duplicates. We select E5 cell to apply the method.

apply arrayformula function to filter duplicates in google sheets

  • Here, we use the formula in cell E5 and go through the same process as multiple columns.

Apply arrayformula function to filter duplicates in google sheets

  • The ARRAYFORMULA function for the random column is:

Formula Breakdown

  • COUNTIFS(B5:B&D5:D,B5:B&D5:D,ROW(B5:B),”<=”&ROW(B5:B)): The COUNTIFS function will evaluate two criteria in two ranges. Firstly, it will look for the value in the B5:B&D5:D ranges. Secondly, it will evaluate if the ROW(B5:B) or the row number of the B5 cell is less than or equal to the row number returned by ROW(B5:B). If the cell value fulfills the condition then it will count the value. In this case, it will return 1.
  • IF(B5:B<>””,COUNTIFS(B5:B&D5:D,B5:B&D5:D,ROW(B5:B),”<=”&ROW(B5:B)),): This is just a normal IF formula. The formula becomes IF(B5:B<>””,1,). So, if the value in the B5 cell is not equal to zero then the formula will return 1. Here, we have added the ARRAYFORMULA around the IF function just to make the formula more adaptable and get the output values as an array.
  • Another process is the same as we discussed before. Here, we present the final outcome for this specific formula.

apply arrayformula function to filter duplicates from random columns in google sheets

Things to Remember

  • You have to insert the function carefully.
  • The column range must be input properly in every function.
  • You should be careful about symbols in functions.


After going through this article, we hope now you can easily understand how to use the filter in Google Sheets to remove duplicates in a column. For exploring more techniques in Google Sheets, you can also visit our OfficeWheel website.

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Annyca Tabassum

Annyca Tabassum

Hello, I'm Annyca Tabassum. I currently work for the SOFTEKO as a technical writer and content developer. I have completed my graduation and post-graduation from SUST.

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