Browsing Archive May, 2022

How to Use the EOMONTH Function in Google Sheets (An Easy Guide)

If you want to generate the last day of a month which falls before or after a specified number of months, then the EOMONTH function of Google Sheets ...

Find Number of Days in a Month in Google Sheets (An Easy Guide)

Finding the number of days in a month in Google Sheets is a matter of simply understanding how the application perceives dates and using a ...

How to Use the DATEVALUE Function in Google Sheets (An Easy Guide)

The DATEVALUE function is a great way to extract or generate the underlying date code of a date in Google Sheets. This date code is the raw ...

How to Use TIMEVALUE in Google Sheets (An Easy Guide)

Today, we will look at how we can use the TIMEVALUE function of Google Sheets. It is a simple function that can be applied to many different ...

How to Convert Text to Date in Google Sheets (3 Easy Ways)

In this tutorial, we will look at how to convert a text to date in Google Sheets. The importance of this transformation cannot be understated as many ...

Convert Date to Month and Year in Google Sheets (A Comprehensive Guide)

In our guide today, we will see how to convert a date to month and year in Google Sheets. We have multiple approaches to this problem, each made ...

How to Convert Date to String in Google Sheets (An Easy Guide)

Today, in this simple tutorial we will look at how we can convert a date to string in Google Sheets. Beyond direct formatting from the Toolbar, we ...

Calculate with Weekdays Only in Google Sheets (An Easy Guide)

In our simple guide today, we look at how we can find and calculate with weekdays only in Google Sheets. Thankfully, the application makes it easy ...

Calculate Days Between Dates in Google Sheets (5 Easy Ways)

Today’s guide focuses on how we can calculate days between dates in Google Sheets. While it is fundamentally simple, Google Sheets allows us to ...

Count Days from Date to Today in Google Sheets (5 Easy Ways)

Today, we will look at a few ways we can count days from a date to today in Google Sheets. While there are multiple ways to go about it, some may be ...

Use DATEDIF from Today in Google Sheets (An Easy Guide)

We can approach how we can find the difference in date in Google Sheets in multiple different ways. But perhaps the best way is to use the DATEDIF ...

How to Subtract Dates in Google Sheets (An Easy Guide)

Dates in Google Sheets are seen as whole numbers, with each day representing one unit. This makes calculations, like how to subtract dates in Google ...

How to Subtract Months from Date in Google Sheets (3 Easy Ways)

In today’s tutorial, we will look at how we can subtract months from a date in Google Sheets, and another month calculation that is commonly used in ...

Find Weekday Name from a Date in Google Sheets (3 Easy Ways)

Our tutorial today will focus on how we can find the weekday name from a date in Google Sheets. Google Sheets is very user-friendly when it comes to ...

Add 7 Days to Date in Google Sheets (And More)

Date calculations in a spreadsheet are more common than you think. One of the more usual calculations is the addition and subtraction of days and ...
